Prime Minister Narendra Modi is celebrating his 72nd birthday and many people across the country are doing unique and special things to celebrate this day. While the PM’s birthday marks the return of Cheetahs to our country after 7 decades, as he is set to release 8 of the animals in Kuno National Park, others are celebrating his birthday best to their capacity. Joining the celebrations is a Delhi-based restaurant that has launched a special thali in his honour. Let us see what that is about.

ARDOR2.1, a restaurant which operates in Connaught Place has come up with a unique and special idea to celebrate the Prime Minister’s birthday. They are launching a special thali in honour of PM Modi called The 56-Inch Modiji Thali. The restaurant, which is known for its huge and diverse thalis has come up with this idea for fans of PM Modi who like his leadership. The thali includes 56 delicious dishes and comes in a very attractive thali setting. The main idea behind doing this is to make the PM’s fans and well-wishers a part of his birthday celebrations, who can all go to the restaurant and enjoy this wholesome meal.

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The 56-inch Modiji Thali - @khapilo_real

Not just the thali, a special competition is the main attraction of this restaurant. The people who do order this thali stand a chance to win a huge cash reward. According to the restaurant policies, if any one person of a couple manages to finish the entire content of the thali within the stipulated time of 40 minutes, they will be rewarded with a cash prize of 8.5 lakhs. This offer is only applicable on the grand 56-inch Modiji thali only. Not just this, anyone who visits the restaurant between September 16-26 and orders the thali stands a chance to win a trip to Kedarnath, which is one of Modiji’s favourite destinations. 

These unique steps are being taken all over the country to celebrate the occasion of our Prime Minister’s birthday. So, if you want to enjoy a good hearty meal, head over to ARDOR2.1 and have the wholesome Modiji thali.