Be it her amazing performances on screen or her daily nibbles on social media, Anushka Sharma is loved by her followers for what she does. The actor can charm anyone with her pretty smile, but what makes her relatable is her foodie side. This time, she decided to share her constant travel partner and it isn’t her husband, Virat Kohli.

The actor is currently vacationing in London with her family. While travelling, most of us swear by certain beauty and skincare products, but what Anushka carries everywhere is her food mix. She took to her Instagram to share a picture of her go-to pancake mix. Made of millets, with a flavour of banana and choco chip, we can only imagine how tasty her pancakes would turn out. She had a packet of the food mix kept on the table, alongside a plate of freshly-made pancakes.

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Anushka is all about going vegan and eating cruelty-free food. Moreover, she also likes to eat light and healthy in her daily diet, and has made Virat quit meat too. Being the healthy foodie that she is, she has also joined hands with an upcoming health brand, called Slurrp Farm, that makes natural and organic food mixes for kids. The pancake mix that she shared is one of their products that she swears by as a brand ambassador.

However, this isn’t the first time she’s been seen munching and eating. A few days back, we saw her nibbling on a box of biscuits and we were drooling. She went on to give a detailed review of each biscuit in that box and her followers enjoyed every bit of it. Later, she was spotted on a candid coffee date with Virat on a bright day. In fact, some time back, she also took her parents out for a breakfast date and there were loads of delish treats on the menu.