If you happen to follow Anushka Sharma on Instagram, you perhaps know that the ‘Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi’ actor is a hard-core food buff, and even though she gave up on meat a couple of years ago, she knows how to strike a balance between her cravings and diet. While shooting for her upcoming film, ‘Chhakda Express’ in London, Anushka did a whole ‘biscuit review’ on her Instagram, where she penned down her quirky thoughts on all kinds of biscuits present in her box. Quite the dedication right? Then when she landed in Kolkata for the next leg of the shoot, she relished a range of Bengali delicacies like Ghughni, shinghara, luchi aloor dom and more. Remember how she even hunted down the best Chole Bhature place in Mumbai for her husband and cricketer Virat Kohli? 

And it looks like Anushka has been a foodie since childhood, she often shares her favourite childhood memories associated with food on her social media handles too. A couple of days back she gave a shoutout to sweet buns and on Tuesday, she shared a picture of Murukku and Rose Cookies, her savoury and sweet treats of the day. In the caption, she wrote, “what childhood memories are made of”. 

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For the unversed, Murukku us a crispy South Indian snack in shape of a spiral. It is made with gram flour or rice flour and is often seasoned with cumin seeds. It also has a Maharashtrian cousin in Chakli. Coming to the Rose cookies, another Malabari snack, which is also known as Achu Murukku. In terms of flavour and over all texture, it is nothing like a cookie. It is in fact, much like Murukku, but in shape of pretty flowers. However, unlike Murukku, it is sweet in taste. Given Anushka Sharma has spent much of her childhood in South India, her nostalgia for these snacks are relatable. Have you ever tried Murukku and Rose cookies? Do let us know.