To beat the scorching summer heat, I head to the nearest thela in the market after shopping and order a plate of dahi bhalle. Dahi aka curd is known to have cooling properties and fried lentils dunked in it just enhance the flavour of it, turning it into a refreshing and filling snack. I like mine with loads of tamarind chutney which lends the dish tanginess and a kick for the taste buds. Did you know dahi bhalle, or more specifically, chaat was invented out of necessity? 

Legend has it that during Shahjahan’s reign, an epidemic broke out and people were suffering from cholera. In order to curb the spread, the hakim researched and found that it was the water of Yamuna that was contaminated and causing the disease. In an effort to control the situation, he suggested mixing the water with coriander, hing and a few other spices that would kill the bacteria in the water and purify it for the people. 

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That’s how chaat and later, dahi bhalle came into being. Interesting right? So do you know how to make dahi bhallas then? If you were nodding in doubt after reading this, we think we know your problem. Your bhallas don’t turn out soft and moist, isn’t it? We know we have hit the nail on the head but that’s not about it. 

To get the best dahi bhallas out on your table and impress your guests, you can’t keep ordering from outside. Here are some tips and tricks that might prove helpful in making the best bhallas. 

1.  What Dal To Use?

With a lot of trial and errors, my mother’s experience suggests that you should proportionately balance urad and moong dal when preparing the batter. The two lentils add a balance of flavours and textures to the bhallas.

2.  Lentil Preparation 

Prior to preparing the batter, it is recommended that you soak the dals overnight or at least for 6-7 hours so that it has time to rise. 

3.  Batter Preparation 

Drain the soaked water. When you are preparing the batter, make sure to add water in small amounts while grinding the dal. If you pour too much water at once, it will get a watery consistency and your bhallas won’t be firm. 

4.  Salt Is Important

Often times, we get so busy in grinding a thick paste that we forget about the basic ingredient, i.e. salt. Add a pinch of salt to the batter to let it rise properly. 

5.  Hand Grinding Is Necessary 

Grinding in a mixer might give you the desired batter consistency but there is still scope for improvement. Use a hand grinder to finely grind the batter. 

6.  Drop Test 

Before frying the bhallas, do a sample test by dropping a spoonful of the batter in a bowl of water. If it floats, you needn’t worry because that indicates that your bhallas will turn out soft and airy. 

Fry them at the right temperature of oil so that they are not over cooked or under cooked. Finally, soak them in luke warm water for a few minutes so that they turn soft. Be careful to let them cool down after frying. Squeeze out the water from your palms and dunk them into your curd.