It's been a big year for Ananya Panday! The actor's film Dream Girl 2 was a big hit, grossing more than Rs 140 crore worldwide, she rang in her 25th birthday in Maldives, she emerged as a major name in fashion and hung out with Kim Kardashian, and began a relationship with someone really famous. Moreover, she purchased her first home in November and enlisted celebrity designer Gauri Khan's help to decorate it. Now, the actor's awaiting the release of another film and just celebrated Christmas at her new home.

Ananya shared snippets from an intimate Christmas feast which she hosted at her home for her friends. "First Christmas at my home; secret Santa, loads of food and laughter with my oldest friends .. couldn’t be more grateful," she wrote on Instagram. Ananya also gave a glimpse into her Christmas tree and her dinner table which had some classic holiday foods and some more. We spotted some mac n cheese pasta, seafood skewers, mashed potatoes, green beans, hand pies, mashed potatoes and gravy. 

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Ananya's Christmas feast also featured an elaborate grazing board; the curated board had some bread, crackers, aioli dip, grapes, strawberries, olives and hummus. Moreover, we also spotted some mini confections including dainty chocolate tarts on a table, which adds up because Ananya is a true-blue dessert girl. A few days ago, the actor appeared on a food show and was asked about her favourite sweet treats.

"I love desserts. My favourites are molten cake with ice cream, or like a fudge brownie or a chocolate chip cookie. And I love modaks!" she quipped.