Besides being a fashion icon and Bollywood’s girl-next-door, actor Tara Sutaria is a self-confessed foodie and there’s ample proof of it on social media. She loves to take her fans through her daily life and often shares glimpses of the same on her social media handles, which also includes her occasional binge. But her gastronomic adventures don’t just end in enjoying different cuisines wherever she goes. The actor also loves to cook as well. Don’t believe us? Well, Tara is often seen whipping up a variety of dishes, and basically treating herself and her loved ones to yummy, homemade food quite a lot. And if her latest Instagram story is to be believed, Tara is back in the kitchen with a new delicacy. Can you guess what? Sharing a photo of her amazing treat on her Instagram stories, Tara revealed that she was having “runny fried eggs and a ham sandwich.” 

The gooey, delectable egg topped with a pinch of black pepper along with a ham sandwich looked absolutely yummy in the picture she shared. Take a look: 

In the note on the post, Tara went back to her Parsi roots and wrote, “Nothing in the world like comfort food!”. The actor also revealed the name of the dish, besides the fact that it is a midnight snack/breakfast for Parsis. “Runny fried eggs and a ham sandwich. This is every good Parsi’s go-to midnight snack/breakfast lol”, Tara wrote. 

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Eggs and sandwiches are quite a classic for people across the world when it comes to breakfast. And if Tara’s delicious affair has left you craving some eggs and sandwiches too, we’ve got some amazing recipes to try right here! 

1. Eggs Kejriwal Sandwich 

Invented by the Willingdon Club in Mumbai, Eggs Kejriwal is a hearty mix of cheese, egg and chilli, sandwiched in toasted bread slices. 

2. Masala Egg Open Sandwich 

A fulfilling healthy egg sandwich, which is just the perfect breakfast or snack option. A hint of spices such as red chilli, cumin seeds, garlic along with onion and tomato, mixed with boiled eggs, makes this one a yummy treat. 

3. Cheese and Egg Sandwich

Your typical traditional sandwich with boiled eggs, cheese cubes, mayo, black pepper and butter. On days you don’t want to go overboard, simply mix it all, spread it on toasted bread and enjoy.  

4. Egg Salad Sandwich 

Some chopped hard-boiled eggs, green onion, celery, mayonnaise and a dash of curry powder make this one a yummy sandwich that will surely leave you asking for more. You can serve it on an open toasted bread or cover it with another slice of bread. 

5. Korean Egg Sandwich 

Often sold by street vendors in Korea, this Korean breakfast sandwich is commonly called tost-u (toast) or gaeran tost-u (egg toast). It isn’t much different from a classic American egg sandwich, but certain Korean additions of cabbage and a sweet dusting of brown sugar gives it a unique spin. 


Give your regular breakfast a spin with these amazing egg sandwich recipes, and share your experience with us.