Bollywood actor and former Miss Universe Sushmita Sen, who won many accolades for her role in the web series Aarya, is excited about season three of the show, the development of which has begun already. She was recently vacationing in the Maldives with her beau, businessman Lalit Modi. The couple broke the internet when Lalit posted a picture of the two with a loved-up caption. Even though, Sushmita took to Instagram on Friday, and without taking any names she said that she is in a very content space in her life, the internet is buzzing with reactions, memes etc. However, it seems like the actor is undeterred by the chatter and is focused on her work. Sushmita requires a very fit and agile body for Aarya, and if you happen to follow her on her Instagram, you’d know that the 46-year-old actress is leaving no stone unturned for that.
Also Read: Trending: Sushmita Sen Marks 28 Years Of Winning The Miss Universe Title With Two Yummy Cakes
In an interview with Anupama Chopra, she revealed that she was diagnosed with Addison’s disease in the year 2014, which severely impacted her adrenal glands, to battle the same she started working out even more rigorously. Sushmita is currently one of the fittest actors of the generation and an inspiration to many. Here are some of her fitness secrets you may like to steal.
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The actress keeps a distance from fad diets and crash dieting. Sushmita never starves herself but believes in taking multiple, small meals resulting in holistic nutrition. She also never skips her meals and ensures she has optimum intake of all macronutrients such as proteins, carbs and fats, which is neatly spread throughout her meals, throughout the day. Sushmita’s morning rituals involve a glass of lukewarm water with lemon, some kind of fruit, or vegetable juice that helps her detox.
Sushmita believes in taking multiple, small meals resulting in holistic nutrition
Breakfast is high in protein, egg whites are a regular feature. Protein is a constant in other meals too, grilled fish and veggies, make for an ideal mix of lean protein and fibre that often makes it to her day’s diet. Other than that, Sushmita also swears by home-cooked food prepared in less oil, with local, fresh ingredients. Even her youngest, Alisah, seems to don the chef's hat every now and then to surprise mama dearest. Remember the cute pancakes she made for Sushmita as a surprise?
In one of her Instagram live sessions the actress confessed to being quite a foodie. She loves Japanese food, sushi in particular is a family favourite.
The actress also called Biryani her ‘soul food’. Apparently, the ‘Main Hoon Na’ actor was born in Hyderabad, so she happens to share an “emotional connect” with the food. Whenever she is feeling low, she turns to biryani. And she likes her Biryani hot.
How much more relatable can she be, right? Now go work out and make a good diet chart for yourself where you can happily give space to the most delicious Hyderabadi Biryani recipe such as this.