Smoothies are the best way to start your day. A smoothie is a drink that is made by blending several ingredients. A liquid basis, such as fruit juice, milk, yoghurt, ice cream, or cottage cheese, is a basic component of a smoothie. You can also add other ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, non-dairy milk, ice cubes, whey powder, or nutritional supplements. A strawberry and guava smoothie is a beverage that is tangy, sweet and creamy.  It is loaded with the goodness of guava and strawberries. Guavas are incredibly high in antioxidants, vitamin C, and lycopene. that is good for the skin. Guavas are also a good source of manganese, which aids in the body's absorption of other essential elements from our food. The inclusion of folate, a nutrient that aids in promoting reproduction, is credited with giving guavas their health advantages. Strawberries are also good for the heart because of anthocyanidins. It is a vibrant pigment found in strawberries which are known to provide a number of possible health benefits, including the prevention of inflammatory diseases and heart disease. Strawberries, especially when taken with a high-carb meal, seem to limit our use of insulin and slow down our digestion of glucose. The vibrant anthocyanins are thought to be responsible for this effect. According to studies, strawberries may help prevent some types of cancer. A combination of polyphenols, particularly ellagic acid and ellagitannins, which appear to slow the growth of cancer cells are responsible for the protective effect. Make this creamy smoothie with strawberries and guavas to treat your taste buds and quench your thirst. Here's how you can make strawberry and guava smoothies at home-



  • 6-8 Fresh strawberries
  • 1 Pink guava juice
  • 1 glass milk
  • 1 1/2 tbsp honey
  • to taste sugar
  • ice cubes


  • Slice some strawberries (or add any fruit of your choice).
  • Add milk, honey, pink guava juice, and a few ice cubes to a blender.
  • Blend all the ingredients.
  • Serve it chilled after pouring it into a glass.