Thick, healthy hair isn't only a cosmetic concern. Many may be surprised to learn that disorders can manifest themselves externally in the form of brittle, unhealthy locks or abnormal hair loss. Hair problems may be temporarily alleviated by topical treatments, such as shampoo, oil, packs, etc. However, diet may be at the root of the problem if health experts are to be believed. Then, eating the appropriate nourishment for hair development is a long-term solution. These are 8 suggestions of food for hair growth. Adding them to your diet can benefit you. 


Folate, iron, and vitamins A and C are all essential for good hair development, and you'll find plenty of all three in a serving of spinach. Spinach delivers up to 20% of your daily vitamin A requirements with just 30 grammes eaten. The iron in spinach is a fantastic plant-based source for healthy hair. To fuel your metabolism and aid in development and repair, iron helps red blood cells transport oxygen throughout the body.

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Salmon, herring, and mackerel are fatty fish that may help stimulate hair growth due to the minerals they contain. Omega-3 fatty acids, abundant in these foods, have been associated with increased hair growth in many studies. Protein, selenium, vitamin D3, and B vitamins, all of which are abundant in fatty fish, may have a role in fostering good hair.


Avocados are abundant in vitamin E, which may promote hair development, making them a great food choice. The vitamin E content of one medium avocado is equivalent to 28 per cent of the daily value. Vitamin E shields the scalp and other skin regions from the harmful effects of oxidative stress. The quality of hair and the number of hair follicles both suffer when the skin on the scalp is damaged.


Guava fruit, Image Source: Pexels

Hair breakage is a common symptom of poor hair health. Vitamin C is abundant in guava. It prevents your hair from becoming brittle. The vitamin C content of one cup of guava is 377 milligrams. That's a whopping 4,300% increase over the daily low.


There are 4.7 grams of omega-3 fatty acids in only two tablespoons of ground flaxseed. Seeds are a great source of healthy nutrients with low calories. Hair development relies on several of these nutrients as well. Zinc, selenium, and vitamin E are among examples. Sunflower seeds, which contain over 50% of your daily vitamin E needs and a wide array of B vitamins, are great for your hair.

Greek Yoghurt

Protein is the foundation of healthy hair and nails. A component in Greek yoghurt promotes healthy scalp circulation and new hair development. It is called Vitamin B5 (sometimes termed pantothenic acid) and may be beneficial in preventing hair thinning and loss. 


Different types of berries, Image Source: Pexels

To some extent, the vitamins and minerals included in berries can aid in hair development. Vitamin C has powerful antioxidant qualities that may help shield hair follicles from potentially damaging free radicals. The vitamin C content of 144 grams of strawberries is 85 milligrams, which is up to 113% of the recommended daily allowance. Collagen, a protein that helps thicken hair and prevent it from becoming brittle and breaking, is produced by the body with vitamin C.

Sweet Potato

Sweet Potato Studies have shown that a lack of vitamin A might cause a decrease in sebum production, which is essential for maintaining healthy hair. Beta-carotene may be found in abundance in sweet potatoes. This molecule is metabolised in the body to vitamin A, which has been related to healthy hair. You can get up to 160% of your daily vitamin A needs with only 114 grammes of beta carotene.