Welcome to our Food Spelling Bee! Test your knowledge of culinary terms and discover fascinating food facts along the way. Whether you're a foodie or a language lover, this contest is for you.


1. Read each question carefully and choose the correct spelling.
2. For each correct answer, you'll earn 1 point.
3. At the end, you'll compute your total score and fun facts about each word.

1. Which of the following is the correct spelling?
A) Turmeric
B) Tumeric
C) Tumuric
D) Turmaric

2. How do you spell the French term for a small appetiser served before the main course?
A) Hors d'oeuvre
B) Horse d'oeuvre
C) Hors de'oeuvre
D) Hor d'oeuvre

3. What is the correct spelling of the technique for cooking food slowly in liquid?
A) Simere
B) Simmer
C) Cimmer
D) Simher

4. Which of the following is a correct spelling for a process involving sugar?
A) Caramelise
B) Caramelyse
C) Carammalise
D) Carramalise

5. What is the correct spelling for the French cooking technique involving slow-cooking meat in its own fat?
A) Confi
B) Conffeet
C) Confeet
D) Confit

6. What is the correct spelling for the fermented tea drink?
A) Kombucha
B) Kombuca
C) Kombhuchah
D) Khombucha

7. Which of the following is the correct spelling of a common type of pasta?
A) Spagetti
B) Spaghetti
C) Spagheti
D) Spaghatti

8. How do you spell the term for a Mexican dish made of a rolled tortilla filled with ingredients?
A) Burritto
B) Burito
C) Burrito
D) Buritto

9. What is the correct spelling for the popular Japanese noodle soup?
A) Ramenn
B) Rahmen
C) Rammen
D) Ramen

10. Which of the following is a correct spelling for a type of Swiss cheese?
A) Emmental
B) Ementtal
C) Emmentel
D) Emmentall

11. How do you spell the term for a thin Japanese noodle made from buckwheat flour?
A) Sobah
B) Sobba
C) Soba
D) Sorba

12. What is the correct spelling for a type of Italian bread?
A) Foccacia
B) Forcaccia
C) Foccacia
D) Focaccia

13. Which of the following is the correct spelling for a type of Russian dumpling?
A) Pelmeni
B) Pelmieni
C) Pelminni
D) Pelmenni

14. How do you spell the term for a dish of raw fish, typically served in Japanese cuisine?
A) Shashimi
B) Sashimi
C) Sashmi
D) Sah-shimi

15. What is the correct spelling for the French term for a head chef?
A) Chef de Cuisine
B) Chef de Quisine
C) Chef de Cousine
D) Chef de Cucine

16. Which of the following is the correct spelling for a type of Japanese rice wine?
A) Sahke
B) Sakee
C) Sake
D) Sakay

17. How do you spell the term for a spicy, fermented Korean dish made from vegetables?
A) Kimchi
B) Kimchhi
C) Kimmchi
D) Khimchi

18. What is the correct spelling for the Italian dessert made of layers of coffee-soaked ladyfingers and mascarpone cheese?
A) Tirammisu
B) Tiramiso
C) Tiramisu
D) Tiaramiso

19. Which of the following is the correct spelling for a dish of raw fish served in Hawaiian cuisine?
A) Poke
B) Pokee
C) Poki
D) Poek

20. How do you spell the term for a dish made of raw meat, typically beef, that is finely chopped and served with seasonings?
A) Tartare
B) Tertare
C) Tartarre
D) Tartarh


Thank you for participating in our Food Spelling Bee! We hope you enjoyed the challenge and learned something new. Browse the fun facts below to find out the correct spellings of all the words, and tally your score.

Fun Facts:

1. Turmeric is often used in Indian cuisine and is known for its vibrant yellow colour.

2. Hors d'oeuvres are a staple in French cuisine and can range from simple to elaborate.

3. Simmering is used to gently cook ingredients and infuse flavours.

4. Caramelising involves heating sugar until it turns golden brown, often used in desserts.

5. Confit is a traditional method of preserving meat, particularly duck.

6. Kombucha is a fermented tea drink that has gained popularity for its probiotic benefits.

7. Spaghetti is a staple of Italian cuisine and is typically served with a variety of sauces.

8. Burritos are a popular Mexican dish, often filled with beans, rice, meat, and vegetables.

9. Ramen is a Japanese noodle soup that comes in many regional variations.

10. Emmental is a Swiss cheese known for its characteristic holes and nutty flavour.

11. Soba noodles are a popular dish in Japan, often served hot or cold with dipping sauce.

12. Focaccia is an Italian bread, similar in style and texture to pizza dough.

13. Pelmeni are Russian dumplings filled with meat, often served with sour cream.

14. Sashimi is thinly sliced raw fish, often served with soy sauce and wasabi.

15. The term "Chef de Cuisine" refers to the head chef responsible for managing a kitchen.

16. Sake is a traditional Japanese rice wine, often served warm or chilled.

17. Kimchi is a staple in Korean cuisine, made from fermented vegetables, usually napa cabbage and Korean radishes.

18. Tiramisu is a popular Italian dessert known for its creamy texture and coffee flavour.

19. Poke is a Hawaiian dish made from diced raw fish, typically tuna, and seasoned with soy sauce and sesame oil.

20. Tartare is a dish made from finely chopped raw meat, often served with capers, onions, and seasonings.


Scoring Interpretation

0-5 points:

Good effort! You have a basic knowledge of food-related terms. Keep exploring the culinary world to improve your vocabulary.

6-10 points:

Great job! You have a good grasp of food terminology. You're well on your way to becoming a food spelling bee champion.

11-15 points:

Excellent work! You have an impressive knowledge of food-related terms. Your culinary vocabulary is quite extensive.

16-20 points:

Outstanding! You are a true food spelling bee master. Your knowledge of culinary terms is exceptional. Take home the trophy already!