Sorghum, also known as jowar, has gained popularity on our plates for several reasons: it's gluten-free, nutritious, delicious, and simple to cultivate. Chefs and home cooks worldwide are embracing this ancient millet grain, incorporating it into various dishes like grain bowls, salads, and bread. While it has deep roots in Indian cuisine, sorghum is a versatile and user-friendly cereal that can even be popped, similar to popcorn. 

What is Sorghum 

Sorghum is an ancient and versatile grain resembling small, edible-hulled balls. Its adaptability allows it to be ground into flour for baking, boiled as a side dish, or even popped like popcorn. As the fifth most vital cereal crop globally, sorghum enjoys popularity worldwide. Its natural drought resistance makes it a sustainable choice for cultivation, thriving in diverse regions. Being gluten-free, it serves as a wholesome alternative to other grains. Surprisingly, sorghum finds use in animal feed and even as machine fuel. Its historical significance traces back over 8,000 years, originating in Africa and later introduced to India during the first millennium BC. The term sorghum derives from the East Indies word "sorgi," dating back to 1542. 

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Sorghum boasts a gentle flavour with a subtle nutty sweetness and a hint of earthiness. It carries a delicate richness reminiscent of freshly tilled soil. Its texture resembles the firmness of wheat berries, and when consumed, cooked sorghum grains can provide a pleasant popping sensation in the mouth. 

Health Benefits 

Weight Loss 

Sorghum can be a valuable ally in weight loss due to its unique starch composition. Its starches are less easily digested by the human body compared to those in other grains. Consequently, incorporating sorghum into your meals can help induce a sense of fullness without significantly increasing your calorie intake. This makes it a smart choice for weight-conscious individuals, as it promotes satiety while being calorie-efficient, aiding in weight management and healthier eating habits. 


Sorghum's anti-inflammatory potential lies in its abundant phenolic compounds, many of which serve as antioxidants. These antioxidants play a crucial role in combating inflammation within the body. By neutralizing harmful free radicals and reducing oxidative stress, sorghum helps alleviate certain types of inflammation. Its antioxidant-rich nature can contribute to overall well-being by mitigating the inflammatory processes that are associated with various health conditions, making it a beneficial addition to an anti-inflammatory diet. 

Anti-Cancer Effects 

Sorghum's potential anti-cancer properties are attributed to its various phenolic compounds. Some of these compounds have shown promise in their ability to combat cancer. Notably, sorghum contains tannins, which are responsible for its pigmentation and have been associated with inhibiting an enzyme linked to the development of breast cancer. This suggests that consuming sorghum may play a role in reducing the risk of certain cancer types by interfering with processes that contribute to cancer growth. While further research is needed, these findings highlight sorghum as a potentially valuable component of a cancer-preventive diet. 

Diabetic Friendly 

Sorghum is excellent for diabetes due to its slow starch digestion, mainly from tannin compounds that inhibit amylase, delaying glucose absorption. This results in a lower glycemic index, helping regulate blood sugar and improving insulin sensitivity, making it a suitable choice for diabetes management. 

Improves Bones Strength 

Sorghum is a beneficial choice for enhancing bone strength due to its content of calcium and magnesium. Calcium is vital for maintaining healthy bones, and magnesium supports calcium absorption in the body. A deficiency in calcium can lead to conditions like osteoporosis and arthritis. Sorghum offers a good supply of both minerals, with 100g of sorghum meeting 5% of the daily recommended calcium intake and a substantial 40% of the daily recommended magnesium intake. This combination supports bone health and strength, making sorghum a valuable addition to a bone-friendly diet.