Sonam Kapoor is glowing with happiness, ever since she announced her pregnancy with husband Anand Ahuja. The couple took to social media a few months ago to share the big news with their fans and followers, and since then the ‘Khoobsurat’ actor has been giving us all sorts of goals. Be it her stunning pregnancy shoot or her food shenanigans, we simply can’t get over Sonam’s social media updates. She is currently on a babymoon with Anand and her vacation pictures are giving us all sorts of foodie goals! The mommy-to-be is in Italy to enjoy the summer weather there and its food, and she is leaving no chance to capture and share the same with her over 32 million followers on social media. 

Sonam recently took to Instagram to show us snippets from their holiday in Florence, or as Anand likes to call it ‘Firenze’, and the two seem to be having a great time in the Tuscan city.  

In the snippets that Sonam shared, we can see her sitting at an outdoor restaurant with Anand, and the couple were enjoying a chilled glass of orange juice ‘instead of wine’, as she tells her fans in one of the videos, she shared on Instagram stories. Her husband, on the other hand, was spotted sipping on a bottle of water, to which she added ‘water is the best’.  

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Later on, Sonam shared glimpses of her Italian meal, which looked too good to resist. She seems to be enjoying a scrumptious bowl full of arrabbiata pasta, which was so delicious that Sonam even shared a selfie with the bowl of pasta. Take a look: 

The gleaming smile on Sonam’s face tells how the foodie in her cannot be any happier. Later on, she also shared some exquisite looking treats, that seems to be some sweet meats from the Italian city. Take a look: 

Now, if Sonam’s grub has made you crave some pasta, we’ve got you covered. Here is an arrabbiata pasta recipe you can try at home as well.  

The Bollywood star is an inspiration for many. From fashion to food and health, Sonam has advice for anything if it might interest you. Even during her pregnancy, Sonam has shared some drool-worthy images of her cravings, making her fans a part of her pregnancy journey in the best way possible. From pizza and macarons to chocolates, Sonam has had multiple different types of cravings.  

What did you think of Sonam’s Italian indulgence? Let us know.