Ever since Sonam Kapoor Ahuja announced her pregnancy, her fans and followers have been obsessed with every tiny detail about her – from her baby shoot and babymoon to her pregnancy cravings and baby shower menu. And the Bollywood diva has been generous enough to also share many tidbits from her journey to motherhood on social media.

The Veere Di Wedding actor is all set to welcome her first child with husband Anand Ahuja later this year, and has often shared her cravings during this time with her following of over 32m on Instagram. For instance, Sonam once shared a drool-worthy picture of a delicious chocolate delicacy, and wrote, “Satisfying my pregnancy cravings. @poojadhingra to the rescue.” 

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Sonam was also seen drooling over a decadent cake while she was on a babymoon in Tuscany, Italy, with husband Anand. Read more about it here

It seems like besides having a sweet tooth during her pregnancy, Sonam is also having a sweet spot for Italian cuisine. While in Tuscany, Sonam was all out gorging on all sorts of Italian treats including many types of pastas, her baby shower too was an Italian affair with carpaccio, tagliarini, whole grilled fish and caponata besides tiramisu. 

Now while during pregnancy, every woman goes through different sorts of cravings, some might crave sweet, some might want all things tangy, but maintaining a healthy diet during pregnancy is very crucial. So besides all your desires, the importance of catering to the needs of the body during pregnancy is paramount. After all, you have the great responsibility for two people instead of one. So in this special phase, a woman’s body needs additional nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Missing out on any key nutrients may lead to complications in the baby’s development. A rash diet or poor eating habits during pregnancy may also result in birth complications, as per many experts. 

If you, like Sonam, are also going through the beautiful journey of pregnancy, here are a few food items that may help boost your health in this crucial time: 

1. Dairy Products 

We know a lot of women might not like this, but according to experts, dairy products are a must during pregnancy, especially to meet the extra protein and calcium needs of the little one growing inside you. Dairy is known to be the best dietary source of calcium, and provides high amounts of phosphorus, B-Vitamins, magnesium, and zinc. So anything from milk, cheese, and yoghurt can be on your chart. 

Image: Pixabay

2. Lean Meat 

If you are a non-vegetarian, nothing like consuming lean meat such as chicken for your required need of proteins, which are often known as the ‘building blocks of our body’. They are essential for the baby’s growth and organ development as well, besides mother’s body requirements and the wear and tear happening within. Low fat meat comprises good quality protein, other good protein sources include eggs, nuts and milk. 

3. Legumes And Lentils 

A vegetarian alternative for meat, a combination of lentils like moong, Bengal gram, black gram, green gram and red gram, can be a good way to achieve your protein requirement. These are also rich sources of folic acid. Rajma (kidney bean) and soya bean are also good sources of protein. 

4. Salmon 

A good source of protein and calcium, salmon also contains a decent amount of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for the baby’s brain and eyes besides being a good source of protein. Moreover, salmon is one of the very few natural sources of Vitamin D, which nowadays is lacking in most of us. Vitamin D is essential for bone health and immune function. 

Image: Pixabay

5. Dark Green Leafy Veggies 

Veggies like kale, spinach and broccoli pack in a whole lot of nutrients including fibre, Vitamin A, C, and K, calcium, iron, folate, and potassium. A mix of all these nutrients can be tossed in many interesting ways and dishes are delicious as well. These veggies have also been linked to a reduced risk of low birth weight. Besides, both the mother and the child need iron to enable red blood cell formation. 

While these are some of the most natural ways to boost our strength during pregnancy, one must consult a doctor before consuming anything. Remember, anything in excess is bad, and no diet change should be done without consulting an expert during pregnancy.