Actor Sonam Kapoor recently embraced motherhood, as she welcomed her son Vayu Kapoor Ahuja on August 20 with husband Anand Ahuja. As soon as the couple announced the news on social media, their family and friends along with fans and followers showered them with congratulatory messages, blessings, and love. Since then, Sonam has been actively sharing tidbits from her life as a new mom - including how the parents celebrated the baby’s one-month birthday. It was a lavish affair with a decadent cake and lots of yummy treats. Read more about it here.   

Besides everything, the couple also shared their happiness with their loved ones through a special gesture as they sent out some adorable hampers to friends and family announcing the arrival of Vayu. Many people shared pictures and videos of the hamper, but it was celebrity baker Pooja Dhingra who spilled the beans about what was inside. In a story shared by Pooja on social media, we also saw that the bouquet and painting came with a set of sugary treats. Take a look:  

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The small bites looked like different chocolate-coated nuts, which Pooja revealed in her caption are from her Le 15 Patisserie. Interesting, isn’t it?  

Sonam is known to be a big fan of the patisserie. And since Pooja and Sonam are close friends, the actor often requests her for vegan treats too. In an interview with Slurrp, Pooja also revealed how Sonam is one actor who likes to experiment with food, and loves the hazelnut macarons from the bakery’s menu. Read more about it here

Sonam is known to make everything extravagant by adding a personal touch. From her sartorial choices to thoughtful gifts, she knows how to make an impact with the little things. She marked this special occasion with a gesture that was simply ‘phenomenal’. To celebrate the arrival of their little one, the new parents sent out a beautiful painting and a bouquet to all their loved ones. The artwork was specially commissioned to mark the birth of Vayu, and had only around 500 prints. Take a look at the complete hamper, shared by Swara Bhasker: