A Kashmiri Pandit himself, Anupam Kher often takes to Instagram to profess his love for Kashmiri Pandit cuisine. But when the veteran actor was in Agra recently, he couldn’t help but admire the local delicacies of the city. The Kashmir Files star, who is making waves of late for his fit body, did not opt for salads and porridges this time, but instead chose to have a heavy breakfast - in Agra style.
Sitting at one of the city’s most popular restaurants, Anupam enjoyed a heavy breakfast of Bedai, which was exclusively prepared for him by chef Sardar. Explaining what Bedai is, Chef Sardar said, “A lot of people confuse it for kachori, but kachori is typically made of maida, whereas Bedai is made with a combination of sooji (semolina) and atta (wheat). It is made with the filling of lentils, saunf (fennel) and hot spices.”
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Just like most kachoris in Uttar Pradesh, Bedai is also soft and not crispy, and not firm and crunchy like the kachoris of Rajasthan. Besides Bedai, Anupam’s plate also had a bowl of hot and runny potato curry, a solid side dish to kachoris of all kinds. Then there was a thin, crispy, and sweet jalebi too that made his plate.
All in all, it was decadent, desi fare for the actor, and he didn’t seem to complain one bit. When he asked the chef what was so special about the breakfast, the chef replied, “It is on the heavier side, but it is delicious to the core and you won’t feel hungry for a long, long time.” Now, didn’t that make you feel a wee bit hungry too? How many of you have actually tried Agra’s Bedai, do let us know.