The super hit reel pair, Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra got hitched in real life on 7 February. The internet is pouring with compliments and congratulatory messages wishing the newly married couple after Kiara shared their official wedding picture on her Instagram and captioned it "Ab permanent booking ho gayi hai." The Shershah co-stars chose Suryagarh Palace in Rajasthan for their wedding venue, which was under tight security to keep the ceremonies absolutely private. Nevertheless, glimpses of the gorgeous venue were leaked, leaving everyone zapped. What wowed people further was the uber-lavish spread of Sidharth and Kiara's wedding menu. We already gave you a hint of it in our previous story here. 

Let's look at the elaborate spread and every minute detail of the gala feast at Siddharth and Kiara's wedding. 

Juhi Chawla shared breakfast detail shared

On Tuesday, 7 February, actor Juhi Chawla shared a picture of what she is having for breakfast at this grand wedding of Sidharth and Kiara. Her Kansa thali had traditional Indian food, including paratha, jaggery, pickle and curd or dahi, served in a clay bowl. 

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Sidharth and Kiara's wedding menu, a truly international spread

The extensive food and drinks on Kiara's and Sidharth Malhotra's wedding menu included signature dishes from almost major regions of the world. The venue was dotted with 50 stalls, each serving 2-3 varieties of grubs. There were 100 dishes served to guests, according to sources! International cuisine from ten different countries was on the menu. It featured signature meals from Italy, Mexico, America, and China, among other places.

Desi Feast as grand as to treat the kings

The couple didn't forget their desi roots; thus, the spread included a copious serving of Indian regional culinary fares from Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarati, North India and South India. A spectacular feast is a must for any desi wedding. There was authentic Rajasthani food on the menu. The Punjabi groom ensured there is a good dose of rich and spicy Punjabi grubs. However, the highlight of Kiara and Sidharth's wedding menu was Ghotua Laddoo of Jaisalmer, which was served with other desserts. The wedding feast for Sidharth and Kiara was an eclectic mix of Rajputana and Awadhi delicacies. According to sources, various churma varieties, five different types of baati, and other delectable regional meals were cooked.

Ghotua laddoo of Jaisalmer, Image Source: Tasty Food Blogs@Facebook

Wedding food servers

For the occasion, over 500 serving personnel were deployed at the venue. The servers had to clad white shirts and bottoms and team them with a turban. Most waiters were from Mumbai and Delhi to retain privacy.

Sidharth Malhotra And Kiara Advani's wedding menu was indeed a royal feast, and it proved the grandeur of Indian big fat wedding.