Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani's upcoming wedding has garnered attention from fans. The beautiful couple are all set to tie the knot at the opulent Suryagarh Palace in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan, and the pre-wedding functions for the grand wedding have already begun. Fans have been eagerly following the details of the wedding, including the guests, decor, outfits, and songs. And if you are wondering what could be on the food menu of one of the most anticipated Bollywood weddings, we've got the details right here.

As per multiple reports on the internet, Sidharth and Kiara are hosting a typical carnival-like fiesta along with the wedding festivities, which would highlight the local culture of India, specifically Rajasthan. The food menu reflects the local delicacies of Rajasthan. The menu will feature traditional Indian dishes like dal baati churma, with eight variations of churma and five types of baati. Guests can also expect to savour classic Awadhi and royal Rajputana cuisines. Additionally, popular Punjabi winter specials like sarson ka saag will be served during the celebration.

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While that was all about the Indian fare, Sid-Kiara's wedding festivities will also feature prominent international cuisines, including Korean, Chinese, Italian, and Thai, in order to cater to all sorts of palates on the guest list. When speaking of an India shaadi, how can it be complete without some meetha on the menu? Sidharth and Kiara have decided to keep at least 20 varieties of desserts! Yes, you read that right. And knowing Sid’s love for jalebis, the coiled Indian dessert is going to be on the menu for sure.

The traditional Rajasthani decor, featuring folk puppets, colourful umbrellas, handicrafts, and leheriya dupattas, paired with a delectable feast, will make the wedding a regal affair. Here’s waiting for the dreamy wedding pictures from the couple soon!