Actress Shraddha Kapoor who is earning a lot of praise for her cameo in the song ‘Thumkeshwari’ from ‘Bhediya’, has quite an exciting year lined up for herself. She will be starring opposite actor Ranbir Kapoor for Luv Ranjan’s next, she would also be essaying the role of a shape-shifting snake in ‘Naagin’. Amid her back-to-back shooting schedules, it is natural for the ‘Stree’ actress to find herself in the awful Mumbai traffic, which is what happened on Friday afternoon as well. 

Shraddha who decided to ditch her fancy car to reach her location, was seen inside an auto-rickshaw. While she was stuck in traffic, the actress took a video and made a rather interesting petition. In Mumbai, it is common for road-side vendors to go around selling roasted peanuts in paper cones. Many hungry commuters, who often have to spend hours on the same stretch, munch on the snack to fuel themselves. Shraddha wrote in the caption of her story, “Petition-Seengdana sellers shouldd also sell Vada Pao in traffic”. For the unitiated, Seengdana is a Marathi word for peanuts. Vada Pav on the other hand is the crown jewel of Mumbai’s Street food. You can call it Mumbai’s own burger. It comprises a small, square-shaped bun called pav slit in half and filled with a crispy potato patty filled with spicy mashed potatoes. It is served with a dry garlic chutney, a green chilli and some green chutney. It was first created by a man named Ashok Vaidya, who would sell the snack near Thane station in the 1960’s, with time Vada Pav became not only the go-to-snack but a cultural identity of the working-class population of the city.  

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Oddly enough, there are a few roads on Mumbai where you can in fact, enjoy a Vada Pav in the middle of traffic. A man named Gaurav Londhe gave up his job as a delivery boy started selling vada pavs to people stuck in jam, with a bottle of water for only Rs.20. He named his venture 'Traffic Vada Pav’, which is now a hit.  

Would you like to binge on Vada Pavs in between traffic? Do let us know.