If there is a true blue foodie in Bollywood, it is Shraddha Kapoor. From attending events to participating in festivities, whenever the actor shares glimpses, she makes sure to showcase her love for food. From eating only French fries in Goa to wrapping up her shoot early because the pizza was getting cold, she exudes vibes that all her fans can relate to.

Shraddha Kapoor, who turned vegan in 2019, has recently shared a few pictures promoting shining and chic accessories from her jewellery brand, Palmonas. But that wasn't all. She also shared a glimpse of everything that she devoured at the restaurant. From vegan chicken breasts to steak, take a look at the actor’s seven-course meal.

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Shraddha Kapoor Relishes Vegan Chicken Breasts, Steak & More

Image Credit: Shraddha Kapoor/ Instagram

The first image shows the table is set in the Asian style and condiments were served to the actor. The last image showcased the menu with one-of-a-kind dishes mentioned. The caption read, “Swipe to see my kinda 7 course syllabus.”

First on the menu was a coconut curry made with green broth. Infused with ginger kombucha, the recipe included coconut foam, iced coconut pearls, and coconut powder baiser. It was served with roasted rice and salt along with red onion puree, pumpkin puree, coriander oil, and kaffir lime.

Next on the menu was celeriac which had spiced puree, cooked ginger, and turnips marinated in curcuma. There was a wasabi carrot on the spread as well. Coriander, mango, and carrot were cooked in the sour and sweet stock of carrot and roasted in the oven. Carrots were served after being marinated in wasabi mayonnaise.

Image Credit: Shraddha Kapoor/ Instagram

The actor relished topinambur which consisted of a salad of marinated apple, shiso leaves, lime juice, roasted black quinoa, and pea puree. Among all the dishes on the vegan menu, planted steak seemed like an interesting dish. Toasted gluten-free bread was served with green Thai pepper, a salad of marinated and pickled beetroot, raspberry cornichons, green pepperoni cream, and more.

The menu also featured planted chicken breast, a dish made using cabbage puree and pan-fried planted chicken breasts. It was served with red Sichuan pepper, marinated currants, jelly of sudachi, and fried cabbage. 

The last dish featured on Shraddha’s ‘7-course syllabus’ was nam dok mango served with lettuce and cucumber sauce, vanilla lime sorbet, chill salt, and Oatly cuisine ice with roasted rice and lemongrass. 

If you look at it from a foodie’s point of view, it was a mandatory post. Shraddha Kapoor must have had a gastronomic experience after relishing unique and creative vegan delicacies.