Oh yes, Shraddha is a big-time foodie who enjoys eating out, especially when she’s travelling. The actor is currently in Ahemdabad, Gujarat, for work and seems to be making the most of her time there by gorging on the local delicacies. Shraddha took to her Instagram stories to share a glimpse of what she’s having in the city. It was a plateful of dhoklas. For the unfamiliar, dhokla is a classic Gujarati snack made with besan, steamed, and cut into square shapes. Tempered with mustard seeds and curry leaves, it is a delicious snack.

Along with that, we also see some fritters on the side of the plate and two different chutneys to go with them. One looks like mint-coriander chutney, while the other is a tamarind condiment. Eagerly looking at the plate, her expression suggests that she would dig into the dhoklas at any moment. On this, she wrote, "Super food, warmest people". She also added, "Thank you, Amdavad."

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Source: Screengrab of Instagram stories/ Shraddha Kapoor

As we gazed upon her plate, we found ourselves tempted to indulge in some dhoklas as well. In fact, there are numerous Gujarati snacks that one can easily prepare at home, such as thepla, fafada, khandvi, and more.