Tomato sauce, sometimes called marinara sauce or pasta sauce, is a popular condiment that can be used in a variety of ways. It's a great flavour booster for things like spaghetti, pizza, stews, and soups. There are, however, other choices when tomato sauce is unavailable or undesirable. Tomato sauce can be replaced with salsa, tomato puree, crushed tomatoes, or even tomato paste diluted with water or broth. The rich and tangy flavour will still be there in your dishes, even though the taste and texture are slightly different. Find the ideal alternative for your dish by trying out a few different options. 

Tomato Paste 

Tomato paste can be made into a sauce by diluting it with water or broth. It's best to begin with a 1:1 ratio and tweak from there. 

Tomato Puree 

Pureed tomatoes can be used in place of tomato sauce. It's easier to digest and can be adjusted to the desired consistency by adding water or broth. 

Crushed Tomatoes

You can substitute crushed tomatoes for the tomato sauce if you like. They come out chunkier, but can be blended or boiled down to a more uniform texture. 

Fresh Tomatoes

Chopping or blending fresh tomatoes and simmering them down with herbs, spices, and other flavourings yields a handmade sauce overflowing with the flavour of fresh tomatoes that can be used in place of tomato sauce. 


Salsa can be a tasty alternative to tomato sauce in several recipes. To complement the other flavours in your cuisine, pick a salsa with a low to medium heat level. 

Vegetable or Meat Broth 

Vegetable or beef broth can be substituted for tomato sauce in some recipes for the same purpose of adding moisture and flavour. Adapt the seasonings to your taste and the meal. 

Olive Oil and Garlic 

For some recipes, a quick sauce can be made by sautéing garlic in olive oil. This will add depth of flavour to the dish and serve as a foundation for additional components. 

Tomato Soup 

Tomato soup is an easy substitution for tomato sauce. Its silky texture and robust flavour make it ideal for use as a sauce or gravy foundation in a wide variety of pasta, stew, and casserole preparations. 

When using these alternatives, remember to modify the salt, herbs, and spices to compensate for the flavour variances.