The Bollywood actor who is well-known for being a fitness enthusiast is a big-time foodie too. Shilpa Shetty has shared several images on her social media in the past, from idlis to cakes, making us crave and drool over all these things. Along with her food diaries, she has also launched her own fitness dance video series in the past and we keep a lookout for her dance and yogic routines on her social media too. The girl who loves a good Sunday Binge and has managed to keep herself relevant and popular in the public eye for so long has come up with yet another interesting series. 

Starting out as a Gratitude 52 series, she posts a picture about/with something or someone whom she’s grateful for. She has expressed her gratitude for safe drinking water and also for her mother in the past few weeks. In the ninth week of the series, we see her sharing a plate of home-cooked food and we are intrigued. Here is what her meal looked like. 

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Source: The Shilpa Shetty/Instagram

The image show a brass plate with several desi dishes featured on it. They include a bowl of spicy chickpeas or chole, a vegetable which looks like paneer (cottage cheese) and bell peppers, some mixed vegetables, beetroot and onions for salad and a ghee-loaded roti on the side. This looks like a wholesome meal to us. The actor captioned the picture with a quote by Deepak Chopra that she likes, “Fill your plate with the colours of the rainbow. What pleases the eye, pleases the body”. 

Her humble and down-to-earth attitude has melted our hearts and we are in love with her even more after this. However, we won’t let you go away without a taste of the dishes she was eating. So here are the recipes of all the dishes that featured on Shilpa Shetty’s plate. 

1.  Pindi Chana Masala 

Begin by making this popular North Indian curry called chana masala. It is a semi-dry dish which contains white chickpeas, ginger-garlic paste, spices and a host of condiments. You can pair it with roti or rice. 

2.  Paneer Capsicum 

The soft and moist cottage cheese is diced into cubes and dunked in a mixture of jeera, tomatoes, onions and capsicum. The dish is spruced up with some food colour and a variety of spices like red chilli powder. This is best eaten with a hot roti. 

3.  Mix Vegetables 

This is a great Punjabi dish which can be dunked with all kinds of vegetables you like. From carrots to cauliflower, potatoes and beans, even peas can be added to the mix. This is cooked in a flavourful masala and served with chapatti.