Shilpa Shetty’s series of Sunday binges aside, the actress always has time for indulgence when it comes to Indian sweets. Known to be a big foodie, the reality show judge, who also starred in the recent Indian Police Force, shared a video of herself decked in festive glamour while posing with a bowl brimming with tilgul or sesame ladoos. Smiling brightly, she spoke in Marathi while sharing a message with her followers where she mentioned the famous Maharashtrian adage mentioned during Makar Sankrantitilgul ghya, god god bola – which roughly translates to eat tilgul and speak sweet words.

Wishing her fans for the auspicious occasion of Sankranti, she captioned the video saying, “May the transition of the Sun and the start of this New Year bring lots of warmth, positivity, and ‘sweet’ success into our lives. Wishing everyone celebrating a very Happy Makar Sankranti, Pongal, Magh Bihu, Maghi, Pedda Panduga, Uttarayan, Sakraat, Boghi.” Shilpa, whose Sunday binge went on to gain legendary status simply because of the joy with which she enjoys her cheat meals, has always advocated for a sustainable diet lifestyle.

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Said to include staples like rice, ghee, jaggery and butter in her diet contrary to claims that believe these are weight-gaining foods, her devoted practice of yoga and healthy lifestyle sets a great example for anyone who is looking to start or maintain the course of their fitness journey. Also the co-owner of Mumbai’s hottest restaurants called Bastian, which is known to dish some delectable dessert plates, the actress isn’t too far away from sugary treats at any given point in time. Tell us about some of your favourite Indian sweets or lesser-known festive delicacies in the comments.