Most of us have a vague memory of the first cocktail we ordered in a bar. (Perhaps not the last one of the night, but the first for sure.) For Shatbhi Basu, her most memorable ‘first’ with a cocktail happened behind the bar, not in front of it. From a dry martini made from memory in a Chinese restaurant to leading her own academy, she’s worked her way up through the industry and today is an internationally recognised consultant and master mixologist.

Since she began her career at the age of 21 and found herself enamoured by the bartending and mixology world, she has defined a groundbreaking career path. As a consultant and brand ambassador, she put all her considerable skills and knowledge into revolutionising restaurant menus and championing global education. Now she's fostering the next generation of bartenders with STIR Academy of Bartending. This year the academy celebrates its 25th year of creating new opportunities for young hopefuls looking to start a career in bartending.

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In April 2022, she was graced with yet another honour as she was inducted into the 63rd fold of the Keepers of the Quaich - an old and exclusive society to recognise outstanding commitment in people who produce, promote or protect fine Scotch Whisky. 

Now, she looks back on the path she took to get here and where it’s headed next.

How did you enter the world of mixology?

Honestly, I didn’t choose the world of mixology to begin with. I wanted to be a chef. I stumbled into it while looking after service in the restaurant which included the bar. I wasn’t comfortable knowing the food well but not the drinks enough so began to study it so that I could be good at my job!

But the more I delved into its complexities, the more interested I got and that pushed me into getting the best I could be at it.

That kept growing, and the learning hasn’t stopped since. The study of spirits, wine, beer and more is just so ever evolving and nuanced and applying all that to mixology is both art and science. Now it’s a continuing passion to build and share

How did you feel about being considered the first woman bartender in India?

Very simply I didn’t ever think of myself as the first woman in anything. I was just one amongst many choosing to be in food and beverage in the hospitality industry trying hard to carve a career worth being proud of. Being the best one could be and learning as much as possible. I think it was my focus that got me where I am and the love that I found for what I did along the way that helped

So you didn't face any negativity from within the industry for being a woman?

Absolutely not. No negativity at all. Some apprehension maybe. But otherwise, it was only encouragement and an opportunity to do well. The point was that I was simply a person doing a good job like everyone else. I never chose to stand out as a woman in a man’s world but just simply the best professional I could be

It allowed me to experiment and learn to become the best version of me. Bartending has literally taught me everything - from history and geography to skill and communication, art and culture and upped my science game dramatically! I am patient because of it. I can write and teach because of it. I am a better person for it.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

The knowledge I have shared has allowed a generation of bartenders to have great careers and have been able to support their families while feeling a sense of achievement that was missing in their lives.

With all you've already done, what is the future vision for STIR Academy and its students?

I began the teaching revolution in 1997 - the 50th year of Indian Independence. I called it STIR! A call to wake up and do something great. It’s been 25 years exactly since August this year - the 75th year of Indian independence. It makes me feel really good that so much has happened since then and how we as Bartending professionals have evolved and have brought about such change in how bartenders are perceived and respected. Just for that, I’m happy!

What key skills do you teach every bartender under your tutelage?

  1. Constant learning
  2. Patience
  3. Great communication
  4. The ability to share
  5. Flavour profiling
  6. Keeping an open mind
  7. Upgrading techniques
  8. Creating from a vision of the end!

What are some drinking trends you love, and some you loathe?

I don’t think I loathe anything really! Trends will come and go. They’re all fads one way or another. Like a circle. Look at fashion too. The stuff I wore years ago is back in fashion. It’s the same with cocktails. We’re about to bring back the classics from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Some of the greatest drinks from the beginning adapted to today’s palate.

The technique of clarification is not almost an obsession with so many bartenders. Makes for great-looking cocktails but I’m not too sure about flavour nuances. Some are lost in the process.

Their obsession with good ice however I think is right on the spot.

A drink without any garnish at all is what I would object to for sure. To call that minimalistic would be insulting one’s intelligence! Pure lazy.

Is there anything about the industry you'd change about the industry today?

It would be nice to bring back a little fun and interaction that we had with our customers in the bar. The jokes and tricks along with great drinks. I miss that these days. The banter. The occasional stimulating conversations. The stories. It’s important to keep that alive as finally, people want to unwind in a bar.

Do you ever feel like you still have room to grow?

Always! My life has been about constant reinvention. New interests. New learning. Or even going back to those put aside for later

What is your advice for aspiring mixologists or bartenders?

Do what you do because you can’t stop thinking about it. Aim to be the best that you can be not better than someone else. Be inspired by someone but always make your own statement and stamp.

Above all…be passionate.