Actor Shahid Kapoor who took a boy's trip with brother Ishaan, actor Kunal Kemmu and other friends to the picturesque towns of France recently posted an Instagram reel reminiscing the trip. The reel comprised some fun videos, candid photos, idyllic countryside views and photos of yummy food. While on his vacation, Shahid had posted an Instagram story where he was seen seated at a restaurant, Shahid was particularly excited about the restaurant, since it was serving fine vegetarian food. Shahid turned vegetarian in his 20’s after reading a book ‘Life Is Fair’, ever since then he has refrained for meat. Therefore, his excitement on finding a good vegetarian meal abroad is quite understandable. In the reel, we saw Shahid alongside a mighty spread, comprising a bagel burger, fresh green salad, we also spotted some fresh buns and bread with pesto. Shahid was also seen enjoying some cheesecake and coffee. Now didn't that make you drool a little? That makes the two of us.  

Here are five European classics you can easily make at home:

1. Cheesecake

A creamy delectable dessert made with whipped cream cheese and vanilla essence, the creamy batter is placed on a firm disc-like base made of crushed biscuits and butter. It is said that the first few cheesecakes were used as energy boosters for Greek Olympians in ancient Greece, now of course, the cheesecakes have taken a more indulgent turn for good.  

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2. Belgian Waffles

One classic dessert to another. Belgian waffles are made with a smooth batter of flour, eggs and sometimes buttermilk, the batter is placed on the waffle iron which gives it a chequered appearance. Waffles can be both soft and crisp, and are best paired with maple syrup, ice cream, fresh fruits and chocolate.

3. Croissants

Yes, we do have a bit of a sweet tooth. Croissants are French baked goods. These crescent-shaped rolls are made of flour and yeast. This flaky roll may or may not be stuffed with chocolate, cream or nuts.

4. Ratatouille

Ratatouille is a French vegetable dish made with onions, courgettes, tomatoes, aubergines, and peppers. They could be fried or stewed in oil, and sometimes even served cold.  

5. Spaghetti

Spaghetti is an Italian pasta that look a lot like noodles, except they are slightly thicker and not as long as noodles. Spaghetti, like other pastas, can also be prepared in a myriad sauces, but we love it tossed in a tangy tomato sauce with some meatballs and parmesan shavings on the top.  


Try these recipes at home soon and let us know which ones you liked the best. Do not forget to share the pictures with us.