Actor Shahid Kapoor, who was last seen in the Hindi remake of the Telugu film Jersey, has his hands full with exciting projects, he would also be making his OTT debut soon with a Raj and DK thriller. The actor who is also a fitness icon for millions is a proud vegetarian. Shahid turned vegetarian many years ago after reading a book, titled Life Is Fair. He does not consume any kind of meat or eggs. Besides that, he is not very fond of mushrooms either.

So, what does the actor eat, you ask? Given a chance, he can have a whole feast by himself. That’s right, the actor is in fact a foodie, as he often takes to Instagram to give us a sneak peek of his plate. Remember his joy upon finding a veg falafel in France? In India, of course, the actor has no dearth of choices, he seems to be quite a fan of South Indian food. On Sunday, the actor was seen enjoying a meal of dosa, sambar, and chutney with a friend, but it wasn’t your regular dosa. 

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Dosa, for the uninitiated, is a south Indian crepe, typically made with a fermented batter of lentil or rice. It could come with a variety of fillings or can be plain. And it is often served with a portion of sambar or chutney. The dosa featured in Shahid’s story was quite long, and it took three plates to plate the same. In the picture, Shahid can be seen holding a bowl of spicy potato filling that goes inside the dosa with a very puzzled face. “Aila...Dosa”, he wrote in the caption.  

Dosa comes in many shapes and sizes, and these long dosas are much in vogue now. A couple of months back, a 10-foot-long dosa from a Delhi eatery went viral on the internet. While it is tough to make such long dosas at home, trust us, the regular-sized ones are just as satiating. Here’s a recipe you should try today.