Actress Rakul Preet Singh has her hands full with a slew of interesting projects. The actress has made a mark for herself in both South and Hindi film industries. She has been roped in for two Tamil films, which include S. Shankar's vigilante-action film Indian 2 and the science fiction film Ayalaan opposite Sivakarthikeyan. She would also be seen sharing screen space with Ajay Devgn in Indra Kumar's 'Thank God'. Rakul was last seen with Ajay in Runway 34, a Hindi-language thriller that also starred Amitabh Bacchan. Rakul is one of the biggest fitness icons of the country, but she has time again proved that she is also one of the biggest food buffs you would find in the tinsel town. 

In one of her recent AMAs she revealed how much she loves unlimited Gujarati Thalis, as a true desi, she is also an advocate of rice, and she confessed her love for the same in one of her older Instagram posts too. Things like rice, bhel and poha are getting a bad rep in the world of health and nutrition, but what people often forget is that the problem is not there with carbs, but the kind of carbs you consume, and the quantity. All of these foods are likely to inflict no harm, if consumed in moderation. And if you want, you can always give it a healthy spin, like Rakul’s healthy bhel, which was sent over to her by nutritionist Rashi Chowdhary. Her bhel comprised crushed ragi chips, finely chopped onion, tomatoes, bell-peppers, beans and some healthy sev.  

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A bhel, for the uninitiated, is an Indian snack. The dry snack is often made with puffed rice, chopped chillies, onions and namkeen. Bhel has many versions in India, in Kolkata, a snack similar to bhel is called ‘Jhal Muri’ which is notorious for its high spice quotient. Similarly in Bengaluru, ‘Churimuri’ has been delighting foodies since decades.  

Image credits: Instagram @rakulpreet

Bhel is probably one of the easiest things you can put together because it barely requires any ‘cooking’ per se. All you need to do is just combine ingredients together. Here’s our version of a healthy bhel that you can try today.  


  • 1/2 cup of Tamarind water
  • 2 tsp Jaggery  
  • 1/2 teaspoon Black salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon Cumin powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon Red chili powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon Chaat masala
  • 1 pinch Salt
  • 6 Green chillies ~7
  • 1 cup of Mung Dal Sprouts
  • 1 cup of corns  
  • ½ cup of chopped tomatoes
  • ½ cup of chopped onions  


  1. In a mixing bowl add corns, mung dal sprouts, onions, and tomatoes.  
  2. Add tamarind water, jaggery, black salt and cumin powder. Give it a nice mix.  
  3. Add red chilli powder, salt and green chillies. Mix it all up.  
  4. Your bhel is ready. Chomp away.  
  5. Since this is a very forgiving recipe, you can add or eliminate any ingredient as per your choice.