Bollywood actor Sara Ali Khan belongs to the royal Pataudi family and is an ardent lover of food just like her father, Saif Ali Khan. Currently on a long vacation in Europe, Sara has been hopping between London to Amsterdam and Denmark during this time. Amid this, we’ve seen her gulping down scrumptious meals while working out.

Yesterday, the actor took to her Instagram to share a glimpse of her search hunt. Sara is a huge fan of Turkish food and kebabs seem to be her weakness. That’s why she got so excited when she spotted a Turkish kebab shop in Amsterdam. Looking up at the signboard with a wide smile on her face, the actress seemed quite happy upon finding her one true love. The menu outside the restaurant had pictures of a variety of kebabs including Doner Kebabs. Although we don’t know which kebab Sara picked there, we do know that she must have enjoyed her meal to the core.  

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Earlier, the 26-year-old actor was vacationing in Istanbul, Turkey with her friends and couldn’t stop giving us sneak peeks into her meals. She was enjoying Turkish coffee one morning, in a colourful café and the next day, we saw her eating kebabs and bread in authentic Turkish style. The foodie actress loves exploring new places and trying out new cuisines. Even her time in Kashmir was full of adventures.

The Atrangi Re star was having a gala time, camping and cooking food in an open fire. Adding new cuisines to her bucket wherever she goes and gaining experiences of a lifetime, this year has been all about food and travel for Sara. From her delectable lavish meal with her mother in London, to drool-worthy brunches with her father and brother, Ibrahim Ali Khan, it has been quite a fun year for Sara so far.