The iconic bond of the celebrity sisters Rhea Kapoor and Sonam Kapoor is known to all. Apart from their affection for each other, another common thing they share is their love for food. The Bollywood actor Sonam Kapoor often posts about her diet, lifestyle, homemade food, and much more. Her sister, the celebrity producer and stylist, too, never fails to post about her foodie adventures from across the globe. 

But, their fans agree that the best stories come across when the sisters travel and eat together. Recently, Rhea Kapoor shared a post on her Instagram handle about her recent trip to Scotland. Captioned as “Scotland with Vayu and his parents,” Rhea Kapoor’s Instagram carousel had a series of heart-warming pictures.

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Be it Sonam Kapoor sitting with her son Vayu at a restaurant with a glass of water, probably waiting for their food, or a classic Mexican spread, the Indian celebrity’s post is taking the internet down with mushy comments. 

After Sonam Kapoor’s recently shared Instagram reel about what she eats in a day, another foodie adventure of her with Rhea Kapoor included a platter of bean tacos served with a mouth-drooling tomato sauce. Unlike a regular nachos or taco bowl, apart from salsa, it featured layers of melted cheese and pickled jalapenos garnished with chopped coriander. The table also has a side of peri-peri French fries, making the spread look irresistible.