Actor Ranveer Singh is having quite a gala time in Bangalore at his wife and actor Deepika Padukone’s childhood home. Still riding high on the critical acclaim of ‘83, which also featured his wife Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh is giving us little glimpses of Deepika’s Bangalore house and vintage photos. The actor is also relishing local delights, in one of his stories, he posted a picture of three bottles of almond-flavoured milk by ‘Aasha’, a popular Bangalore-based dairy brand with caption “BRUH...@iykyk”. He followed it up with a photo of Chiroti, which he relished with flavoured milk. “CHIROTI HALU MMMM” he wrote in his caption. The video looked so delicious that we couldn’t help but drool.  

Screengrabs from @ranveersingh's Instagram stories

So. what Chiroti you ask? Chiroti is a super flaky, super delicate South-Indian dessert made with semolina/flour and powdered sugar. It looked like a puffed biscuit or puri with flaky layers. It is typically served in a bowl and crushed, further it is topped with almond milk, nuts and sugar.  

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Chiroti is widely prepared for festive or grand occasions like pujas or weddings. Chiroti in itself is not very sweet, you need to add sweet milk on top to complete the dessert.  

It is actually fairly easy to make the dessert, and if you are a master of making Puris, this should be a cakewalk for you. To make the perfect Chiroti, add flour, salt and mix well and make a smooth dough, similar to what you would make for a puri. Cover the dough and make sure you let it rest for 30 mins. In another bowl mix rice flour and ghee and keep aside, this would be used to stick your rotis together. Now go back to your dough, roll equal-sized balls, and with the help of a belan roll them flat. Apply the rice flour slurry on top of the rotis, and stack three of the rotis together. Gently pull up the rotis in a log and cut ½ inch circles, now take these circles and roll the flat on a  flat surface. Heat oil for deep frying and fry them until golden and flaky. Serve them hot with almond milk.

Here’s the step-by-step recipe of Chiroti. Try making it soon and let us know how you liked it. Make sure to share the pictures with us too.