Actor Ranveer Singh celebrated his 37th birthday with gusto, devouring some of his favourite dishes, on 6th July 2022. Ranveer opted to enjoy his special day with his wife and actress Deepika Padukone by going on a trekking trip to the United States Of America. Recently, he finally shared photographs from his fun filled vacation on his Instagram handle. The post featured clicks of very pretty countryside, some scenic waterfalls and beaches and of course, lots of good food. Deepika also shared the same batch of pictures on her social media handle, treating her fans and followers to a sneak peek in to her husband’s birthday celebrations. Although the couple did not disclose the exact location of their vacation, the pictures went viral.
"May our lives be blessed with experiences & adventures in abundance," wrote Deepika Padukone in the caption of her post while Ranveer Singh wrote, "Love to Love You." Hashtags birthday, photo dump and gratitude were used on both of their posts on social media. Apart from the wonderful travel and happy couple pictures, what caught our attention was the delectable food that Ranveer and Deepika enjoyed on their trip. There was a picture of Deepika standing outside a local food outlet, carefully studying their menu. Ranveer Singh also shared a click of a scrumptious chocolate chip cookie with vanilla ice cream and chocolate chunks, which we can only guess were served in the restaurant that Deepika was seen posing outside of.
Also Read: Deepika Padukone’s 'Favourite Gift In The World' Shows That She’s A Real Foodie
In the last photo of the carousel, you can see a small video giving you a glimpse of what we can guess to be Ranveer’s official birthday dinner. It was a candlelight setup and looked extremely beautiful in the boomerang video. We could spot white wine, a chocolate pastry and some delicious Italian food, which was laid out aesthetically on plates for the couple. Ranveer’s birthday trip has been primarily about food for both Deepika and Ranveer. The birthday dinner is not the only foodie indulgence we have seen from Deepika and Ranveer. Recently, the couple also enjoyed a scrumptious South Indian breakfast upon returning from their vacation. They enjoyed the meal at a popular restaurant at the Delhi airport, and Deepika even took to her social media to praise the restaurant and the food that they ate there.