As Animal – Ranbir Kapoor’s newest film opens to polarising reviews, what united the audience was how fit the actor looks in the movie. The physical transformation not only has his fans drooling over him all over again, but also has made an impact on those who have only known him for his critical performances. Keeping in mind that Kapoor had to bulk up and gain muscle mass for the role, his fitness trainer and private chef designed a series of meals that were low on carbohydrates and high protein – thus enabling the process of achieving a sculpted body.

Chef Shastry, Kapoor’s private chef through the course of the film shared a glimpse of what he calls, the ‘Animal Diet’, by elaborating a little bit about the goal in mind, on his social media. He said, “The Animal Diet was mainly eating large quantities of nutritious food, that helped build his body. We kept a track of what he was eating and made sure he was consistently eating even during the diet fluctuations throughout the movie.” Kickstarting the day with a health shot of sorts, Kapoor drank a mixture of aloe vera, amla, wheatgrass and turmeric, in combination with his glass of green juice.

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Steering clear of fried food and sweets for the duration of filming, the actor also stuck to simple home-cooked meals of meat, vegetables, dal and rice. This also included consuming brown rice or bread, dry fruits, protein shakes and green vegetables for added nutrition and to stay full while also following a stringent dietary course. It was also reported that Kapoor abstained from eating rotis for a time span of 1.5 years, which was also an achievable task for him since he considers himself to be a non-roti eating person.

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This diet, in combination with plenty of core and functional training resulted in a body that left the audience in awe of his performance. Another key for the actor to have achieved the desired results was staying consistent and following his nutritional chart, no matter where he was shooting or what kind of challenges he faced with regards to the availability of the right kind of food, at all times.