Besides snippets from her shoots, model and actress Rakul Preet Singh regularly shares photos of her travels. Right now, she is holidaying in Maldives and has been posting photos of all the food she’s getting to eat there. Singh used her Instagram stories to give her 18.5 million followers a glimpse of her meal at the JW Marriott Maldives Resort and Spa. 

First she posted a photo of sliced fruit with a sticker that says “Fav!”. 

In the next story, she can be seen eating some greens but on her plate is a selection of seafood, including lobster. She captioned it “most imp - food”. 

We were left salivating at the sight of all that tasty food. What better place to indulge in some seafood than Maldives?

In January, Singh could be seen enjoying a bowl of homemade vegetable khichdi. She captioned the post “khichdi mood” and used the hashtag “backontrack”. It was a clear example of her love for homemade food, even though she may be a foodie who enjoys all kinds of food. 

When the actress was in Lucknow for a shoot in November last year, she posted a photo of a refreshing goat cheese and watermelon salad. Singh also shared another photo, of a chocolate dessert with ice cream garnished with rose petals and basil, which she revealed was part of her dinner. 

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While in Lucknow, she also made us giggle when she captioned a photo of puris with “see food diet”. Singh has no inhibitions in revealing that she can eat whatever is in sight. She also posted a photo of herself holding a plate of katori chaat in Lucknow. Katori chaat is made up of an edible potato basket filled with chickpeas, tomatoes, onions and various chutneys. 

All these food-related adventures keep Singh’s followers hooked. We look forward to seeing more of what she eats and drinks.