Tired of buttering your plain ol’ toast every morning for breakfast, or is it the usual cereal crunch for you? With Indian cuisine, there is no such thing as a boring breakfast.

From spicy Mirchi Vada in Rajasthan to pork-y, Khasi delicacy, Jadoh from Meghalaya, spices, aromas and morning magic bring the perfect start to the day.

However, breakfast didn’t have a happy start. It was once considered a sin in the 13th century since it meant ‘breaking the fast’ before morning mass. Thankfully, that was soon done away with, as workers had to fill their tummies before a long, hard day of labour.

Did you know that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” was once considered a  marketing gimmick? In the 19th century, Seventh Day Adventists James Caleb Jackson and John Harvey Kellogg sold the idea of breakfast to popularise their newest invention - breakfast cereal.

Skip a few centuries, and breakfast has become an indispensable part of everyday life, especially in India, with each region serving its very own speciality.