Actress Priyanka Chopra who is currently busy in the shoot of Citadel, an action-based TV series by Amazon wherein she stars opposite Richard Madden, took some time off to fly off to Paris for another work commitment. Priyanka dazzled in her shimmery orange gown and posed with Hollywood biggies like Anne Hathaway, in the midst of all this, she also got a chance to delight herself with the delicious food France had to offer. Now, most of you would know that even though French Fries carry the prefix ‘French’ they aren’t really from France, so Priyanka took it upon herself to give us a sneak-peak of how they actually look like in the country... well at least in one of the restaurants. The fries featured in Priyanka Chopra’s Instagram story of Tuesday were much thinner, slender and even curved. They looked ultra-crispy and deep-fried and the golden hue of the fries was all things tempting. “French Fries In France”, she captioned the image, tagging Hotel Costes, where she was served the delish snack.  

French Fries are inarguably one of the most beloved snacks around the world. Typically, they are thin slices of potatoes that are rubbed with salt and deep-fried. French fries are often paired with ketchup or served as a side dish with burgers or steak. There are many origin stories of French fries. Some say that that the snack was first made in Namur, a city in French-dominated Belgium. People here loved fried fish, they would slice the fish up really thin and deep-fry in. Somewhere in 1680’s, due to harsh weather, the rivers dried up causing shortage of fish. So, potatoes were sliced and fried the same way, the snack became a rage and during Worl War 1, when American solider got gold of the delicacy, the started referring to it as French Fries, since French was the language most of South Belgium spoke, and the name stuck.  

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There are some historians who also believe that the snack could perhaps be a French invention, as similar potato preparations were sold by street vendors on Paris's Pont Neuf in the 1780’s.  

While talking about French Fries and its popularity, one cannot possibly rule out the role of the US. The term ‘French Fries’ really picked up in the 17th century.  It is said that the American President Thomas Jefferson, famously requested for the “potatoes served in the French manner” once. Author E. Warren, introduced the new style of 'French frying' the potatoes in his cookbook ‘Cookery for Maids of All Work’.

Now didn’t that make you crave some fries? Here’s our favourite recipe you can try. French fries can be made in a myriad ways now, but nothing quite beats the traditional, old-school French Fries. Try this rceioe today and let us know how you liked it.