Priyanka Chopra Jonas is a global icon, and nobody can deny that. Our Desi Girl, who just recently has also been listed among the world's most admired women for the year 2021, seems to be donning a new hat with each passing year. This year has definitely been quite an exciting year for her with Matrix 4, Citadel and many such interesting projects in the pipeline. But most of all, the newest hat that Priyanka donned this year was that of a restaurateur, with the opening of her Indian restaurant SONA in New York. Priyanka keeps sharing glimpses of the restaurant on her social media and with each post or Instagram story we get to see how much of a foodie she herself is. She was recently seen enjoying the south Indian delicacy Dosa at the restaurant, her latest stories were all about answering QnA’s while relishing a plateful of Biryani.  

It all started with a string of questions about her favourite temperature, early bird or late owl, how her perfect day looks like, but a lot of people asked her about her preferences in food – whether she’s a person who prefers room service or like to eat out, she chose room service though. “What is your favourite drunk food?” asked one user and we got so may revelations on this one. Guess what? Priyanka Chopra is just like most of us when it comes to favourite foods- “anything with bread” she said and went on to list some of them including pizzas and burgers to dosas, rotis, omelette with toast and chipotle. It definitely left us slurping.  

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Priyanka also chose savoury over sweet and with the previous answer it is pretty clear how she loves all things savoury. Someone then asked her what her favorite food is and she admitted that it is indeed “anything Asian but Biryani, like this is yum.” She then went on to thank her friend Shirin Charaniya, who got her the biryani she was enjoying. 

Isn’t Priyanka just like us when it comes to favourite foods? With Biryani, Dosas, Burgers and Pizzas, seems like no matter how big you become on the global stage, the foodie in you will just be the same. And if after this you are craving a plateful of Biryani too, we’ve got everything from biryani recipes, history of biryani and tips to make biryani right here on Slurrp.