Preity Zinta, the Bollywood actress, who has been in the spotlight ever since the nation fell in love with her dimpled cheek. After wrapping up the 2024 season of IPL, the actor recently travelled to Paris after being invited by her French brother. Just like always, Preity Zinta shared a glimpse of what she’s eating with her fans.

After giving the Indian film industry some of the all-time classics, like Veer Zara, Koi Mil Gaya, Kal Ho Na Ho, Lakshya, and many more, she is now back on the set shooting with Sunny Deol. But whatever the case may be, on sets, while travelling, or cooking at home, Preity Zinta always lets her fans know about her cravings.

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This time in Paris, she shared a picture of a lavish dinner table all decorated with flowers on her Instagram handle. Her dinner table featured two bottles of fine wine along with gourmet snacks. Some of the snacks you can spot include crisp and delightful crackers that would be the perfect accompaniment to the glasses filled with white wine.

Being a fan of fruits, it wasn’t a surprise to see a bowl filled with strawberry puree and another one filled with an exotic fruit. Apart from these, there was another serving of olives completing the wine. But even in the foreign land, Preity Zinta set the mood for her fine-dine with Bollywood songs when she posted an Instagram with the caption, “When your French brother invites you to dinner and plays old Hindi music.”