The foods you choose to eat after working out should be carefully considered because they can significantly affect your results. Even while it may be convenient to grab a cup of coffee, a fresh juice that is nourishing and reviving is a better choice. After working out, you must drink plenty of water. says Purearth's Angelina Riccio, who produces cold-pressed, organic juices. The best way to restore the body with live enzymes, vitamins, and nutrients is with a hydrating green juice, according to this statement. Freshness is key to a successful post-workout juice, making a homemade concoction "the ideal substitute for a standard sports drink that is packed with dangerous processed sugars."

Here are some fresh juices you can consume after your workout

Glowing Green Juice

Your greens are very important for your body especially if you are on a workout spree. Spinach, celery and some mint leaves must be blended together. Avoid adding any spices or sugar. Consume it as it is with some ice cubes. This juice is perfect for detoxing the body and flushing out all the harmful toxins. It will also provide you with a daily dose of minerals and iron. 

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Beetroot Juice

Beetroot is a great source of Vitamin A and C. Blend some beetroot and mint leave together with some ice cubes. Don't add extra sugar as beetroot already has some sugar in it. This fresh juice will refresh and energise you after a heavy workout session. You can also blend in some carrots for an enhanced effect. 

Beetroot Juice/

Mixed Fruit Juice

A boost of all the fruits is all you need to refresh yourself after your workout. Fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They not only detox your body but also keep the free radicals away. Mixed fruit juice is the best way to refresh yourself. Blend whatever fruits are available at your home with some ice cubes and enjoy the drink! 

Orange Juice

Oranges are a reach source of Vitamin A and C. They refresh your body and provide you with essential electrolytes. It also helps in providing you with glowing skin. In addition to providing carbohydrates, an eight-ounce intake of 100% orange juice is a rich supply of potassium, an electrolyte that may aid in rehydration and recuperation after exercise.