Pooja Dhingra, the celebrity chef and Rhea Kapoor, the Indian film producer, recently shared glimpses of how they celebrated World Chocolate Day. The two celebrities often share space on each other’s social media handles with their siblings and other friends. And being true foodies, they are always the talk of the town whenever they share sneak peeks of what they are eating or cooking.

Recently, Pooja Dhingra shared a picture of a drool-worthy chocolate cake with the caption, “Baked a cake for my favourite people.” Out of all the people she tagged, the first one was Rhea Kapoor, and she even boasted the rich chocolate cake by sharing it further on her Instagram handle.

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Rhea Kapoor fans know that just like her sister, Sonam Kapoor, she never shies away from trying new cuisine whenever she is travelling for work or vacationing at a picturesque location. And apart from enjoying the food, she also keeps her fans posted about her new cooking experiments with food. Some of her recent revelations included a story about her secret to perfect tacos, trying out Asian food in London, her famous garlic noodles, and more.

Knowing Rhea Kapoor’s inclination towards food, Pooja Dhingra Dhingra baked her a special cake. It featured a spongy cake topped with a rich chocolate icing served with a side of vanilla icing. Sharing the privileges of having a renowned chef friend, Rhea Kapoor too wishes her Instagram followers a happy World Chocolate Day with the specially-baked cake.