At the first-ever National Creators' Awards held at Bharat Mandapam on Friday, Prime Minister Modi emphasized the importance of incorporating millet and essential nutrients into daily meals. During the event, while presenting the award for the best food content to Kavita from Kavita’s Kitchen, PM Modi stressed reconnecting with traditional Indian dietary practices. While earlier this week on Mann Ki Baat PM also announced September as “Nutrition Month”. 

Reflecting on the significance of nutrition, PM Modi recounted his recent vegetarian dinner at The White House, where 80% of the meal comprised millet-based dishes. This, he emphasized, highlights the potential of millet to enhance the nutritional value of meals. 

Additionally, Prime Minister Modi announced September as "Nutrition Month" during his recent Mann ki Baat address. Emphasizing the significant role of nutrition in children's development, he encouraged nationwide observance of Nutrition Month to raise awareness and promote healthy eating habits. 

As part of the Nutrition Month initiatives, PM Modi announced a food and nutrition quiz on the MyGov portal and a meme competition to engage and motivate citizens. He stressed the importance of nutrition education in schools, suggesting the introduction of a "nutrition monitor" role to foster awareness among students. 

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Furthermore, Prime Minister Modi underscored the significance of proper nutrition for pregnant women, citing its impact on the mental development and overall health of children. He emphasized the need for public participation in the nutrition movement, acknowledging the pivotal role of community engagement in achieving its objectives. 

PM Modi commended the collective efforts made towards nutrition awareness in India, particularly in rural areas where it has become a mass movement driven by public participation. He urged continued commitment to advancing nutrition initiatives to ensure the well-being and prosperity of future generations.