Bollywood actor Parineeti Chopra and Indian politician Raghav Chadha joyously exchanged rings and got engaged in an intimate ceremony held on May 13 in the heart of New Delhi. Their cherished moments were shared with the world through heartfelt photographs posted on their official Instagram accounts. Along with a multiple-tiered cake, the event attracted an array of esteemed guests, including the notable presence of Delhi's Chief Minister, Arvind Kejriwal, the renowned actress and bride’s sister, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, and fashion designer Manish Malhotra, among others.

As soon as the official pictures were out, several other pictures and videos by the guests went viral on Instagram, giving us a glimpse of the celebrations. The venue itself was transformed into a captivating haven, adorned with a harmonious blend of ivory and white tones. Lush greenery, indoor plants, and fragrant candles contributed to the enchanting atmosphere. Besides, what would an engagement celebration be without a show-stopping cake?

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A mesmerising glimpse of Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha's engagement cake, inspired by the elegance of ivory, unfolded in a viral reels video, leaving viewers in awe of its dreamlike allure. Take a look:

Images: Instagram:

The centrepiece of the festivities was an exquisite ivory-themed engagement cake, adorned with delicate baby's breath flowers that exuded a captivating charm. Its multiple tiers showcased an unconventional and visually striking uneven layering, accentuated by a flawless white fondant exterior. Upon slicing through the pristine surface, a tantalising chocolate interior was revealed.

Shared by wedding planning platform, a mesmerising video quickly became a viral sensation and showed glimpses of Parineeti and Raghav's engagement venue. Garnering over 217k views and 17k likes in a remarkably short time, the clip charmed fans and followers like nothing else.

Earlier, we also unveiled the delectable food menu that graced the power couple’s engagement festivities. Reports indicated a culinary journey of indulgence, featuring a diverse array of Indian delicacies such as kebabs, accompanied by delectable dim sums and mouthwatering desserts. Additionally, mindful of their guests' dietary preferences, vegan options were thoughtfully included, ensuring a memorable dining experience for all. Read more about it here.