Undertaking a weight-loss journey can be really tough. Fruits are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support overall health and well-being, even while on a calorie-restricted diet. Yet, some fruits are best kept away while on a diet to lose weight. So, here we are with a list of six fruits that you should stay away from to have a smooth weight loss journey.

Fruits are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support overall health and well-being, even while on a calorie-restricted diet. Many fruits have a high water content, aiding in hydration and promoting a feeling of fullness. The natural sugars in fruits, combined with fibre, provide a steady and slow release of energy, preventing spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels.

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Some fruits, like berries and citrus fruits, have been associated with boosting metabolism, potentially aiding in weight loss efforts. Most fruits are naturally low in calories, making them a great option for those looking to reduce their calorie intake while still enjoying delicious and nutritious foods.

Our elders were not wrong when they said an apple a day keeps the doctor away; make sure you add this low-calorie fruit to your diet. All the berries, like strawberry, jamun, and shahtoot or mulberry, are also great for a weight-loss diet. Hydrating fruits like watermelon can also be a welcome addition to your meals. So, think carefully and choose fruits that best suit your fitness goals.

Now, it is important to note that fruits are not essentially bad for our health. Fruits are a gift of nature that keeps on giving. It is also important to understand that everyone is different. In this list, we are just going to mention fruits that are high in carbohydrates and natural sugar, which might not be ideal for a weight-loss diet.


Bananas are a popular choice among fruit lovers due to their abundant nutrients, particularly potassium and vitamins, as well as being easily available in Indian markets. However, a medium-sized banana can contain around 100 calories, making it relatively calorie-dense compared to other fruits. Bananas have a lot of natural sugars, which can contribute to increased calorie intake, especially if consumed excessively.

While bananas do offer several health benefits, including improved heart health and digestion, those on a weight loss diet should be cautious about their consumption. Moderation is key, and substituting it with lower-calorie fruits like berries or apples can help maintain a balanced diet while pursuing weight loss goals.


Grapes are undoubtedly a delicious and convenient snack, making them an easy and fuss-free choice for many. However, these small fruits are dense in natural sugars, and their calorie content can add up quickly. Consuming large quantities of grapes may lead to an unintended surplus of calories, thwarting weight loss efforts. Truly the popcorn of the fruit world, a couple grapes is never enough.

If you enjoy the sweetness of grapes, consider opting for lower-sugar alternatives like berries or citrus fruits. Berries, such as strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries, offer a wealth of antioxidants and fibre with fewer calories, making them a fantastic choice for those watching their waistlines.


Mangoes, known for their luscious sweetness and juicy flesh, are beloved by many. And this is the very last time in India that we can have access to fresh mangoes, as the season is just about to end. However, their richness in natural sugars makes them a less ideal choice for weight loss diets. A single medium-sized mango can contain over 200 calories, making portion control crucial when indulging in this tropical delight.

If you really want to enjoy mangoes for the last time this year without compromising your weight loss goals, consider adding small portions of mango to fruit salads or smoothies, pairing them with lower-calorie fruits like papaya or kiwi.


It is a sweet and creamy fruit with a decadent caramel-like flavour. It is a good source of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibre, which can contribute to overall health. However, chikoo is relatively high in natural sugars, including fructose and sucrose. Consuming chikoo in large quantities may lead to an excess intake of calories, which can hinder weight loss efforts. For individuals on a weight loss journey, it is best to enjoy chikoo in moderate portions once in a while rather than as a regular part of their daily diet.


Jackfruit, or kathal, is a commonly eaten fruit during early monsoons. However, before you have it in large quantities, remember that jackfruit is also relatively high in carbohydrates and calories, particularly when consumed in its ripe form. The starchy nature of jackfruit can contribute to a higher calorie intake, making it less suitable for those aiming to lose weight.

Dried Fruits

Dried fruits, such as raisins, dried apricots, and dried cranberries, may seem like a healthy option due to their portability and natural sweetness. However, the drying process concentrates their sugar content, leading to a higher calorie density. This makes it easy to over consume dried fruits, inadvertently hindering weight loss progress. There is no denying that they have a good amount of healthy fat, but the sugar concentration does trump a few of those benefits. So, when on a weight-loss diet, try to have fresh fruits with a lot of water content for maximum benefits.