“Your diet is like a bank account and your food choices are like great investments.” - that's a proverb we've all heard, but how many of us put it into practice? Making healthy food choices each day helps secure your body's future health and well-being, just as making the right investments does for your financial future.

There are certain beliefs that are sacrosanct to me, such as my fitness and well-being. Good nutrition not only helps keep me fit but it also puts a spring in my step! When we are feeling good inside, we tend to shine on the outside. 

Starting my day with yoga and eating right but tasty food is how I lead my daily routine. Balance eating is my go-to mantra, rather than following a fad diet. 

It seems like a misconception that consuming less than three meals a day means eating fewer calories and consequently earning a healthier body. Eating less is not healthy and neither does it help in weight loss - rather, doing so has been proven to be detrimental for one’s health.

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Image: Freepik

Being a strong advocate for healthy eating & active living, I wanted to share my regime with people wanting to make a change in their lifestyles. This is what inspired me to start my own healthy, yet delicious meals brand - N.U.D.E Bowls. Exclusively available on EatSure, it is actually derived from ‘Nutritious, Undisguised, Delicious Eats’. 

A balanced relationship with food is what we are promoting with N.U.D.E Bowls. As there is an adage saying ‘you are what you eat’, we hope that people add wellness to their everyday life. Also, there is a misconception amongst many that primarily “healthy” food is bland, or boring, or just consists of salad. Well, that’s not the case with us, as N.U.D.E Bowls is here to challenge that perception. Offering meals that are well-balanced and appeal to different palates, making one feel happy & content is what we are all about. 

Healthy bowls made with all wholesome ingredients, including my personal favourites and go to meals, we have a wide range of options including quinoa as we focus on using purposeful ingredients, with no use of artificial flavours and colours. 

Each item on the menu features a melange of international and Indian flavours for health-conscious customers, who neither want to compromise on taste nor go overboard with their calorie intake. The menu includes my personal favourites like Homestyle Black Dal with Seasoned Yoghurt Patties and Brown Rice Quinoa, Paneer with Thai Peanut Gravy and Brown Rice Quinoa, amongst others. 

Food is an integral part of self care for me and being mindful of what we eat and what we choose to expose our body to is as important as exercising for our holistic well-being. Based on my experience over the years, I have understood the importance and benefits of eating well and this new venture is a reflection of my strong advocacy for healthy lifestyles and balanced eating habits, that need not be boring.