Maintaining a healthy diet can be a challenging endeavour for many. Despite our best intentions, it's not uncommon to face difficulties in staying on track with our dietary goals. As Nutrition Week 2023 approaches, it's an opportune time to reassess our eating habits and seek ways to overcome common hurdles. 

National Nutrition Week which has been observed annually in India since 1982, is celebrated during the first week of September. This year it falls between 1-7 September and serves as a global platform to emphasise the significance of nutrition through diverse events and mediums.

Economic prosperity and food production levels are closely linked to addressing nutritional disparities, yet undernutrition remains a prevalent issue in both developed and developing nations. In India, an emerging market, malnutrition persists across socio-economic groups, prompting efforts to combat nutritional gaps through crop diversification.

But good nutrition takes some work and more often than not, people trying to lose weight often forget that weight loss starts with your diet. If you’re trying to start your fitness journey, here are 8 tips to keep in mind.

Set Realistic Goals:

The first step towards a successful diet is to set achievable goals. Avoid aiming for drastic changes that are hard to sustain. Start with small, realistic goals, such as incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your meals or reducing sugar intake gradually.

Plan Your Meals:

Meal planning can make a significant difference in your diet. Plan your meals ahead of time, ensuring they are balanced and aligned with your dietary objectives. Having a well-thought-out meal plan reduces the temptation of unhealthy food choices.

Stay Hydrated:

Sometimes, our bodies confuse thirst with hunger. Ensure you drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day. A well-hydrated body is less likely to crave unnecessary snacks or overeat during meals.

Portion Control:

Pay attention to portion sizes. Use smaller plates to help control your portions and prevent overeating. This simple adjustment can help you consume fewer calories without feeling deprived.

Incorporate Protein:

Including protein-rich foods like lean meats, beans, and nuts in your diet can keep you feeling fuller for longer. Protein not only aids in muscle repair but also reduces the urge to snack between meals.

Mindful Eating:

Mindfulness is a powerful tool in managing your diet. Eat slowly, savour each bite, and pay attention to your body's hunger and fullness cues. Avoid distractions like screens while eating to fully enjoy your food.

Healthy Snacking:

Snacking can be a part of a healthy diet if done right. Choose nutritious snacks like yoghurt, fruits, or raw vegetables when you need a little boost between meals. Keep unhealthy snacks out of sight to reduce temptation.

Seek Support:

It's okay to seek support on your dieting journey. Share your goals with friends or family members who can encourage you and hold you accountable. You can also consider consulting a nutritionist for personalised guidance.:

Incorporating these straightforward tips into your daily routine can help you overcome the challenges of sticking to your diet. Remember that consistency and patience are key when it comes to long-term dietary success.