National ‘Jiju’ and one of the three Jonas Brothers – Nick Jonas – who was in Mumbai to perform at Lollapalooza, was spotted letting his hair down at Koishii restaurant located in the luxury hotel, St. Regis. Known for its Nikkei meals – a fusion of culinary techniques from Japan coupled with Peruvian ingredients, Nick was seen posing for photographs after his debut performance at the festival along with his brothers, Joe and Kevin.

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Nick, whose love for Indian food has been well-known, has previously revealed how he enjoys any kind of paneer preparation, lamb biryani and dosa among other delicacies. He is also known to hit up high-end restaurants when visiting Mumbai, last seen at the popular celebrity hangout – Yauatcha – during his first visit to the country before getting married. True to this, his visit to the fine dining restaurant made sense due to its proximity to the venue where the music festival took place.

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For the uninitiated, Nikkei cuisine rose to the kind of fame it enjoys today thanks to the efforts of Nobu Matsuhisa, who highlighted it through his chain of iconic Nobu restaurants around the world. Discovered when the Japanese first migrated to Peru in 1889, the Peruvian contribution to the cuisine has been the addition of spicy elements, whereas the Japanese aspect includes the introduction of fresh vegetables and rice. With only a handful of restaurants serving up this cuisine around the country, experiencing combinations of salmon with corn or mochi made with yucatan is what one can expect to relish.