The Bollywood actress who recently starred in an Amazon Prime series, “Panchayat”, is known not just for her impeccable acting skills but also for her down-to-earth food habits. Even after being in the Indian film for decades, Neena Gupta has always been humble, and her cooking videos are simply a testament to that.

The 65-year-old actress is truly candid on her Instagram handle and never leaves a moment to share glimpses of what she eats or cooks. Recently, her fans received a cosy “Good Morning” with a picture of her breakfast on one of her Instagram stories. Light or heavy, Neena Gupta chose to have a homemade breakfast featuring sandwiches and pakoras.

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As seen on Neena Gupta’s recent Instagram story, her homemade breakfast included sandwiches that were made of slightly toasted white bread with a cheese filling. The sandwiches were paired with pakoras. Made with a batter of besan and a blend of spices, the deep-fried pakoras looked like they were made with a mix of vegetables like onion and palak (spinach). 

The Bollywood actor made her breakfast more relatable for her fans with a side of tomato ketchup paired with a mix of pakoras and sandwiches. Another thing that Neena Gupta’s fans find impeccable about her is that she never fails to try different Indian cuisines. In the last few days, she also shared how she makes vada pav and a spicy lehsun (garlic) chutney to pair with the South Indian snack.