Isn't it always fascinating to know about the origin, history and the bewitching journey of the food that we eat, to know how it initially came to our midst? Our Indian cuisine reflects more than a thousand-year-old history of disparate ethnic groups and diverse culture that led to a diversity of myriad flavours and cuisines that we know of in the modern era. Nankhatai is an Indian shortbread biscuit or cookie, with a taste so delicious and an absolutely riveting story that has made an indelible impression on us over the years. It’s indeed a perfect time to talk about this scrumptious biscuit, wondering why?  As you all know that festivals are brimming with a medley of sweets and snacks, nankhatai is just another crumbly must-have snack on festivals and occasions that is prepared every year on one of everyone’s most favourite festivals, Diwali. Nanakhtai strikes to deliver us with the wholesome balance of sweet and savory, ultimately holding divine flavours that trickle down to every crumbly bite.  

This Indian shortbread cookie is undoubtedly rich in taste and loaded with unforgettable delightful flavours but do you also know it is replete with a rich history too? It is believed this beloved Indian snack took its birth in the diamond city of India, Surat during the 16th century. It was during those ancient days when Dutch and India were good friends as spice traders. The story behind the origin of Nankhatai begins with a Dutch couple that set up a bakery in Surat to meet the taste and demands of local dutch people residing in Surat. When Dutch left India, they handed the charge to an Iranian man, it was this Iranian man that is credited for giving a push to its popularity and wide demand. Initially, people refused and disliked the taste of this cookie but after it was sold at lower prices, they grew to become one of the popular snacks in India. Well, this is how our Indian biscuit stole many hearts and finally settled here. 

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If you don't know how to make these cookies, worry not and click here for the recipe to try at home.