Priyanka Chopra is one woman who needs no introduction. After carving a niche for herself in Bollywood, the actress has now become a global icon making India proud with every step. The actor and entrepreneur now live with her husband, actor and singer Nick Jonas, in Unites States. And if you follow PC on social media, you would know how big a foodie she is, perhaps this is why the actor stepped into the restaurant game, last year, and established her Indian restaurant “SONA” in New York. Her restaurant completed one year since it was established, and, on the occasion, Priyanka Chopra shared a short video on Instagram, showing glimpses of the restaurant and the food served there. And we are already drooling! The fine dining place has a lot to offer when it comes to Indian dishes. 

The video starts with glimpses of the actress whenever she has visited the restaurant, followed by irresistibly delicious-looking dishes. Some foods featured in the clip include salads and little munchies, followed by many exotic dishes and drinks. The clip also includes Indian delicacies like naan, curries, dosa, fritters, chaat among others. In the end, we also got to see a popular street food from India that looked like Dahi puri.  

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Priyanka Chopra added a long caption to express her feelings on the occasion as well. “What started for me as another way to introduce modern India to the West, turned into an incredibly fun, cool, and awesome spot in the heart of NYC where you can let your hair down and explore culinary delights and cocktails that are so synonymous with us. As Sona turns a year old today, I couldn't be more proud” she wrote. 

She further tagged her partners in the venture — Maneesh Goyal, Hari Nayak, and David Rabin — and stated, “My partners and the dedicated incredible team at have turned their talent and passion into consistently delivering excellence and making your experience as timeless as India herself.” 

She concluded by saying, “My heart (and stomach) is full. Here's to many, many more.” Priyanka Chopra also added a hashtag “One year of SONA New York.” Take a look at the full post here:

 Even outside her restaurant, Priyanka Chopra likes to stay close to her culture and traditions. She makes sure to celebrate all big Indian festivals even at her home in LA with her close friends and family. Recently, on Holi, she shared a video on Instagram originally posted by her husband Nick Jonas and gave us a sneak peek into their festivities together, which included yummy bowls of popcorns and lots of colour.  

Don’t we love how Priyanka Chopra manages to bring out the best of the foodie in her at every occasion?