NESTLED in the breathtaking landscapes of Trento, Italy, the Dolomite Alps conceal a hidden treasure—a distinctive syrup known as Mugolio. This extraordinary concoction is the creation of legendary forager Eleonora Cunaccia, who holds the rare privilege of being granted permission to forage within the national park’s boundaries. With its unparalleled taste and fascinating origin, Mugolio has captivated the palates of culinary enthusiasts worldwide. Thus, the story behind this remarkable syrup is an artisanal masterpiece that embodies the harmony between nature and gastronomy.

Cunaccia is a true guardian of the Dolomite Alps National Park. Endowed with a deep knowledge of the region's flora, she possesses an innate understanding of its diverse ecosystems. Cunaccia's tireless exploration of the park, combined with her immense respect for nature, has earned her the trust of the park's custodians and the unique privilege of foraging within its boundaries. This privilege is only bestowed upon a select few residents who demonstrate an unwavering commitment to sustainability and preservation.

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At the heart of Mugolio lies this humble yet extraordinary ingredient—the young cones of the Mugo pine (Pinus mugo). Cunaccia's expert eye enables her to identify the optimal moment to harvest these elusive cones, as they undergo a delicate transformation from emerald green to a rich chestnut brown. The Mugo pine thrives in the alpine terrain, its cones acquiring a unique complexity of flavour influenced by the crisp mountain air, the mineral-rich soil, and the gentle caress of sunlight. Harnessing the essence of these cones is an art form that Cunaccia has had to perfect over the years.

The process of creating Mugolio is a labour of love that demands utmost patience, precision, and a deep understanding of the region’s natural cycles. Once harvested, the Mugo pine cones are meticulously dried to preserve their essential oils and flavour compounds. The cones are then gently infused in a natural sweetener, such as honey or sugar, allowing their essence to slowly infuse over an extended period. This unhurried process grants Mugolio its distinct character—a syrup that exudes an intoxicating blend of pine, resin, and citrus notes, akin to a journey through the alpine forests themselves.

Mugolio carries with it a rich cultural heritage that goes back centuries. The use of pine cones in culinary creations has been part of the local tradition in the Dolomite region, where the Mugo pine has long been revered. Cunaccia's mastery in crafting Mugolio pays homage to this historical connection, ensuring that the ancient flavours and techniques are preserved for future generations to savour. 


This oddly sweet flavour profile also makes it the perfect representative of its geographical origins. Mugolio encapsulates the essence of the Dolomites in every velvety drop. As the syrup caresses one’s palate, it conjures images of soaring peaks, cascading waterfalls, and wildflower-strewn meadows. The taste profile is a testament to Cunaccia's artistry, as she artfully balances the syrup's sweetness with the natural bitterness of the pine cones, resulting in a harmonious symphony of flavours. Whether drizzled over a scoop of artisanal gelato, whisked into a gourmet vinaigrette, or employed as a creative ingredient in cocktails, Mugolio adds a touch of wilderness and refinement to any culinary creation.

In the recent past, Mugolio has not only captured the imagination of gastronomes but has also earned the acclaim of renowned chefs around the globe. Its rarity and exceptional taste profile have made it a prized ingredient in Michelin-starred establishments. Chefs are drawn to its versatility, employing it as a transformative agent that elevates their dishes to new heights. The syrup's complexity and ability to harmonise with a range of ingredients make it a chef's secret weapon.

Not only does the syrup now find a place as a dressing or a condiment, but it is also a popular choice for mixologists. Cocktails with Mugolio are gradually becoming a common sight across pubs, with many preferring the sharp acidity of the sweet syrup over other plain sweeteners that are generally added. It has also found its way into the realm of wellness, as the unique properties of the Mugo pine are believed to offer health benefits. Whether enjoyed in a culinary creation or incorporated into a revitalising elixir, Mugolio is ever-diverse.