As nature gracefully transitions from one season to another, our bodies too experience their own subtle shifts. The changing weather can bring forth a myriad of sensations, from lovely and soothing breezes to unpredictable showers, and even fluctuations in our digestive well-being. To ensure that our bodies adapt easily to the shifts in climate, it becomes crucial to nourish and support our gut health. After all, a happy gut means a happier and healthier you.

The best way to promote gut health during the small transition periods when we have shifts from one weather to another is to eat good and nourishing foods, specifically tailored for changing weather. Since the entire country is suddenly going from extremely hot and dry summers to humid monsoons, here are some gut-friendly food options that you can include in your diet.

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The monsoon season often creates a favourable environment for bacterial growth. Including curd in your diet can provide a dose of beneficial probiotics that promote a healthy gut microbiome. Choose natural, unsweetened and preferably home-made curd that contains live cultures, which aid digestion, boost immunity, and support gut health during the monsoon.


Recipe - Harshita's Kitchen

The monsoon calls for cozy breakfasts, and oatmeal fits the bill perfectly. Oats are a gentle grain that is high in soluble fibre, aiding digestion and promoting regular bowel movements. Enjoy a warm bowl of oatmeal topped with seasonal fruits or a sprinkle of nuts and seeds for added flavor and nutritional benefits. You can have savoury oatmeal with veggies too!


Monsoon brings with it an array of seasonal fruits, and papaya stands out as a digestive champion. Rich in enzymes like papain, papaya helps break down proteins and supports optimal digestion. Its fibre content also aids in maintaining gut regularity, making it an excellent choice during the monsoon. Make smoothies or add papaya to your fruit chaat. It is also great for your hair and skin health.


Credit - Rimli Dey

As the rain pours, ginger emerges as a powerful ally for digestive comfort. This warming spice has anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe the stomach as well as throat and relieve bloating or nausea. Ginger tea, freshly grated ginger in soups, or adding it to meals can provide a comforting touch during the monsoon. Afterall, who does not like a cup of adrak wali chai in rainy evenings?

Cooked Vegetables

During the rainy season, cooked vegetables can be easier to digest than raw ones. Lightly sautéed or steamed vegetables like carrots, bell peppers, and leafy greens retain their nutrients while providing warmth and comfort. These vegetables offer essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber to support a healthy gut during the monsoon. So, as much as you would like a bowl of salad, steamed veggies or boiled ones are likely to be healthier during monsoon.

Nuts and Seeds

Snacking on nuts and seeds is a nutritional way to nourish your gut during the monsoon. Almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, and chia seeds are packed with fibre, healthy fats, and essential nutrients. They provide satiety, support digestion, and help maintain a healthy gut flora, making them a perfect monsoon snack. Instead of keeping fried and processed snacks in your shelf, stack them up with dried fruits and nuts.

Vitamin C Rich Fruits

Monsoon brings a lovely, cool weather but the period of weather change also causes our immunity to be weak. And the best way to tackle that is eating foods rich in Vitamin C, that can fortify your immune system and support gut health. Indulge in fruits like oranges and strawberries. Add lemon to your meals. These fruits offer antioxidants that help protect against infections while providing essential nutrients for a thriving gut.